Chiron 7 Tutorial

Well, Chiron is an F# library for (de)serialization of Json. It's really well written. If you ever used Elm's json serialization, you will feel at home at no time.

Though I admit, there are a few of ceremonious parts of its usage, especially in enc/dec part. But that's fine, there are prices that should be paid for flexibility. And furthermore, this library is really fun to be learned from.


In standard netcore project (.fsproj), we can easily install it by entering the following command on the command line interface.

dotnet add package -v 7.0.0-*

And in your .fsproj file, you will see something like the following line.

  <PackageReference Include="Chiron" Version="7.0.0-*" />


There are a few terminologies which will be used very often in the rest of the post.


Define an object, as an example we will have a type and a nested type. I took it from my other project (Forum).

Our Types

open Chiron
open Chiron.Operators

module AuthModels =

  type Qualification =
    { Id    : int
      Value : int
      Name  : string }
    static member Create (ide, value, name) =
      { Id    = ide
        Value = value
        Name  = name }

  type Token =
    { Quali     : Qualification
      UserId    : Guid
      ExpiresIn : int64 }
    static member Create (quali, uid, eIn) =
      { Quali     = quali
        UserId    = uid
        ExpiresIn = eIn }

In the above code, we have imported Chiron and Chiron.Operators modules from the Chiron package. We will use that in a few minutes. And there's an object type, named Token, which has Quali property, which in turn is a Qualification. That type has a static member which will be used in the module which has the same name as the specified object previously.

Then, we write the following code:

module Qualification =
  let private create ide value name = Qualification.Create (ide, value, name)
  let encode qualif jsonObj =
    |> Json.Encode.required    "id"    qualif.Id
    |> Json.Encode.required    "value" qualif.Value
    |> Json.Encode.required Json.Encode.string "name"  qualif.Name
  let decode =
    <!> Json.Decode.required    "id"
    <*> Json.Decode.required    "value"
    <*> Json.Decode.required Json.Decode.string "name"

module Token =
  let private create qualif uid ein = Token.Create (qualif, uid, ein)
  let private encodeQualif = Json.Encode.jsonObjectWith Qualification.encode
  let private decodeQualif = Json.Decode.jsonObjectWith Qualification.decode
  let encode token jsonObj =
    |> Json.Encode.required encodeQualif      "qualification" token.Quali
    |> Json.Encode.required Json.Encode.guid  "userid"        token.UserId
    |> Json.Encode.required Json.Encode.int64 "expiresin"     token.ExpiresIn
  let decode =
    <!> Json.Decode.required decodeQualif      "qualification"
    <*> Json.Decode.required Json.Decode.guid  "userid"
    <*> Json.Decode.required Json.Decode.int64 "expiresin"

Functions' Explanation

There are basically five things there.

// create : int -> int -> name -> Qualification
let private create ide value name = Qualification.Create (ide, value, name)

This function will be used to create a Qualification object in the following code:

let decode =
  <!> Json.Decode.required    "id"
  <*> Json.Decode.required    "value"
  <*> Json.Decode.required Json.Decode.string "name"

By defining decode, we have created a Decoder with two params, JsonObject as the input and Token as the output. At the snippet above, there are two operators (which we've imported from Chiron.Operators). An operator <!> and operator <*>.

The <!> is a custom operator for which has the signature as the following:

map : ('a -> 'b) -> Decoder<'s, 'a> -> Decoder<'s, 'b>

Just a standard map function, which transform a Decoder to another Decoder.

While <*> is a custom operator for Decoder.apply which has the signature as the following:

apply : Decoder<'s, 'a> -> Decoder<'s, 'a -> 'b> -> Decoder<'s -> 'b>

Again, standard apply function, which apply a parameter to a function (but in form of a Decode object).

So, the decode function above, also could be written as:

let decode = create (Json.Decode.required    "id")
  |> Json.Decoder.apply   (Json.Decode.required    "value")
  |> Json.Decoder.apply   (Json.Decode.required Json.Decode.string "name")

Basically, the decode function above means, in particular order of the create function's signature, we will take values from a JsonObject:

  1. Take an int value from the JsonObject which should has a field named id.
  2. Then take an int value from the JsonObject which also should has a field named value.
  3. Then take a string value from the JsonObject which also should has a field named name.
  4. Apply the taken values above, in particular order of the create function's signature, to the create function.

And the result is a decoder which will transfrom from JsonObject to Qualification.

Move on to the encode part which create an ObjectBuilder<Qualification> in the following code.

let encode qualif jsonObj =
  |> Json.Encode.required    "id"    qualif.Id
  |> Json.Encode.required    "value" qualif.Value
  |> Json.Encode.required Json.Encode.string "name"  qualif.Name

The encode function above means, we will take a Qualification object and another JsonObject and then do the following step.

  1. Take an int value of property Id of qualif object and put it into jsonObj with fieldname "id".
  2. Then take an int value of property Value of qualif object and put it into the result of step no 1 with fieldname "value".
  3. Then take a string value of property Name of qualif object and put it into the result of step no 2 with fieldname "name".

And the result is an ObjectBuilder<Qualification> which can be used to encode a Qualification object to a JsonObject, which in turn can be parsed to json string in the latter part of the post.

Next part is the explanation of Token module's functions. Let's take a look at these two functions.

let private encodeQualif = Json.Encode.jsonObjectWith Qualification.encode
let private decodeQualif = Json.Decode.jsonObjectWith Qualification.decode

First function, encodeQualif, is an encoder from a Qualification object to Json object. Json.Encode.jsonObjectWith itself basically function that takes an ObjectBuilder and gives result a Json object. While the second function, decodeQualif, is a Decoder<Json, Qualification> object, Json.Decode.jsonObjectWith is that takes a decoder with input JsonObject and modify it to have Json input. Those two previous functions will be used in the following functions.

let decode =
  <!> Json.Decode.required decodeQualif      "qualification"
  <*> Json.Decode.required Json.Decode.guid  "userid"
  <*> Json.Decode.required Json.Decode.int64 "expiresin"

Basically, the decode function above means, in particular order of the create function's signature, we will take values from a JsonObject:

  1. Take a Qualification value from the JsonObject which should has a field named qualification.
  2. Then take a Guid value from the JsonObject which also should has a field named userid.
  3. Then take a int64 value from the JsonObject which also should has a field named expiresin.
  4. Apply the taken values above, in particular order of the create function's signature, to the create function.

And the result is a decoder which will transfrom from JsonObject to Token.

let encode token jsonObj =
  |> Json.Encode.required encodeQualif      "qualification" token.Quali
  |> Json.Encode.required Json.Encode.guid  "userid"        token.UserId
  |> Json.Encode.required Json.Encode.int64 "expiresin"     token.ExpiresIn

The encode function above means, we will take a Qualification object and another JsonObject and then do the following step.

  1. Take a Qualification value of property Qualif of token object and put it into jsonObj with fieldname "qualification".
  2. Then take a Guid value of property UserId of token object and put it into the result of step no 1 with fieldname "userid".
  3. Then take an int64 value of property ExpiresIn of token object and put it into the result of step no 2 with fieldname "expiresin".

And the result is an ObjectBuilder<Token> which can be used to encode a Token object to a JsonObject, which in turn can be parsed to json string in the latter part of the post.

Serialisation and Deserialisation

We will serialize a Qualification or a Token object to json string, using the following snippet

let inline modelToJson (encoder : 'a -> JsonObject -> JsonObject) model =
  |> Json.Encode.jsonObjectWith encoder
  |> Json.format

The modelToJson function above takes a parameter which has a signature 'a -> JsonObject -> JsonObject (or an ObjectBuilder<'a>) and an instance of object with type 'a. That function means:

  1. Build a Json object with an ObjectBuilder<'a> and an instance of <'a>.
  2. Format it as json string.
let inline jsonToModel (decoder : JsonObject -> JsonResult<'a>) jsonstr : 'a option =
  let parsingRes =
    |> Json.parse
    |> JsonResult.bind (Json.Decode.jsonObjectWith decoder)
  match parsingRes with
  | JPass result -> Some result
  | JFail _      -> None

And when we want to deserialise json string to an object, we will use the function jsonToModel above which takes a function which tranfrom JsonObject to JsonResult<'a> (or an ObjectReader<'a>) and a string which we assume as a json string. The result of that function is an option type of 'a. That function means :

  1. Parse the input, jsonStr. At this step, the result of the function is JsonResult<Json>.
  2. If the result parsed is JPass json, we will read the json using ObjectReader<'a>. Else, just return the JFail jfailure.
  3. Save the result of step 2 to parsingRes.
  4. If the parsingRes succesfully parsed, we will have Some result. Else, None will be returned.


The usage is something like this:

let qualif = Qualification.Create (1, 1, "Water") 
let token = Token.Create (qualif, Guid.Empty, 0L)

let jsonFromQualification = modelToJson Qualification.encode qualif

// result (beautified) :
// {
//   "id":1,
//   "value":1,
//   "name":"water"
// }

let jsonFromToken = modelToJson Token.encode token

// result (beautified) : 
//  "qualification": {
//    "id":1,
//    "value":1,
//    "name":"water"
//  },
//  "userid":"00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
//  "expiresin":0

let stringJsonToken =
let stringJsonTokenWithoutUserid =

let tokenFromJson = jsonToModel Token.decode stringJsonToken
Assert.Equal (Some token, tokenFromJson)
let tokenFailParsed = jsonToModel Token.decode stringJsonTokenWithoutUserid
Assert.Equal (None, tokenFailParsed)

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