Cloning FluxBB

Writing a forum software is one of a few things that I-wish-I-had-but-hadn't in the last of couple of years. For example, among a gazillion of abandoned repos on this GitLab account, Forum is one of them. If you take a glance of it, you will see -- obviously -- that it's an unfinished forum software.

So, I decided to take a different approach to finally do it, no matter what it takes. I will use the following tech:

Okay, before we start to write this clone, we should ensure a few things. For example, the structure of the tables of this program and what one usually expects when they use and/or administer a forum software.

Database Design

Because forum software basically is just a CRUD program, we have to define the database design first. Fortunately, FluxBB's database structure is not really complicated. Not only that, a lot of its fields are nullable, so we can remove them in this clone and make use of foreign keys constraints.

For example, we will not use some of nullables columns from Users table. So, instead of this, we will use (in persistent's fields)

  groupId GroupsId
  username Text
  email Text
  password Maybe Text -- we will discuss it later.
  joinTime UTCTime
  topicStarted Int default=0
  repliesPosted Int default=0
  UniqueUsername username -- we will also discuss it later.
  UniqueEmail email
  deriving Show Eq

Furthermore, we will not use some of FluxBB's tables. Example given, we won't use permissions, forum_subscriptions, and topic_subscriptions.

Inner Workings

In real FluxBB's use case, an administrator could set a set of permissions for a certain group (moderator, for example) to do something peculiar, like capable of banning users, but not editing users' profiles. We will not give the users and administrator these kind of features because it's too complicated for my purpose.

So, instead of actual FluxBB's features, we will dumb it down like the following:

Layout and UI

I'll make a confession, I don't understand CSS and JavaScript. So, I will use a small CSS framework, milligram as helper and no JS in this program. That means, we will treat this forum's interface (HTML) purely as a document presentation. Baring a few buttons and text inputs. I really hope you don't mind about it.


We will build up the forum from yesod-minimal template using stack and then slowly turn it into something that seems like yesod-postgres template and then to a FluxBB's clone. While we're at it, I will try my best to explain why we do what we do.

Start Typing

Project Setup

First of all, I will assume that you will use stack as your build tool. Okay, let's start typing.

We will create a yesod-minimal project by typing stack new [our-project] yesod-minimal in our terminal emulator. After that, we will see a few files along these lines:

├── app
│   └── Main.hs
├── Cirkeltrek.cabal
├── package.yaml
├── routes
├── src
│   ├── Add.hs
│   ├── Application.hs
│   ├── Foundation.hs
│   └── Home.hs
└── stack.yaml

First, we will edit stack.yaml file to add an external dependency. We will add the following lines

- git:
  commit: b81e0d951e510ebffca03c5a58658ad884cc6fbd

which means that we will use the library at the repo's url in the snippet above on that specific commit. As for the reason, Mr. Allen says that currently, supporting persistent-2.8.1 is not his priority and he gave the above lines as the temporary solution for this situation. Thanks, Mr. Allen.

Then, we will remove src/Add.hs file and remove any references to it. That means, we will remove /add/#Int64/#Int64 AddR in ./routes, import Add in src/Foundation.hs, and <a href=@{AddR }> in src/Home

After that, we will add the following packages to the package.yaml

Now, let's push it to our repo. (our current progress is saved here)

Foundation Building

Writing Foundation

In the scaffolded templates, you will see a lot of stuff going on, which baffled me a couple months ago, from settings, database, and templating. Sure, the yesod-book and the templates' comments helped me a lot, but it was not enough for to grasp the reasoning of the decisions made by the author of the templates. That and my hot-headed temper combined, resulted a few abandoned projects in my GitLab account. I'm sorry for ranting.

Okay, so we will continue the this little toy. In yesod, when one wants to create an instance of Yesod he should start by defining the routes. As you can see in the Yesod.Core's haddock, Yesod site has signature (or something) of class RenderRoute site => Yesod site. Which in turn, RenderRoute site has signature of class Eq (Route site) => RenderRoute site. Nah, it's complicated.

Let's talk about classes first. In short, there's a thing in Haskell called typeclass. I'll just give you an analogue, let's say that you have a kid and you want to let him join in a gifted class. There are a few requirements for that, of course. For example, he has grades that rise steadily and younger than his peers. So, in Haskell, if you want to let your data to be recognised as one of the classes, you have to fulfill the requirements (or "minimal complete definitions") of that class.

In order to make a Yesod App, we should start by defining the route first. I mean, how would the web server know what kind of content it should serve if it doesn't know anything. At best, it will only serve you 404 Not Found. Therefore, in src/Foundation.hs, we will modify it into the following

{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-} -- needed for parseRoute quotation
data App = App
    / HomeR GET

instance Yesod App

That App above is the application we are building. We surely can name it anything, given it doesn't clash with any other things, if we want. And followed by mkYesodData which takes a string (which is the name of our site application) and a Quasi-quoted routes. Finally, we will make our site application as an instance of Yesod so it will be able to serve the requests to http://localhost:3000/.

Also, because App is a record, we can fill it with whatever we need. Just like in the scaffolded templates, there are a few wrapped fields. As examples, there is an AppSettings, ConnectionPool, and a few other data.

Let's start by adding a ApplicationSettings, ConnectionPool and a lot of other stuff into App first. Don't worry, we will talk about it later.

data App = App
  { appSettings :: ApplicationSettings
  , appConnectionPool :: ConnectionPool -- from "persistent", module Database.Persist.Sql
  , appLogger :: Logger -- from module Yesod.Core.Types
  , appStatic :: Static -- from "yesod-static", module Yesod.Static
  , appHttpManager :: Manager -- from "http-client", module Network.HTTP.Client

which begets a need of datatype named ApplicationSettings. So, we will create a file named Settings.hs in the src directory and fill it with the settings we need for this clone.

data ApplicationSettings = ApplicationSettings
  { appStaticDir :: String
  , appRoot :: Maybe Text
  , appDatabaseConf :: PostgresConf -- from "persistent-postgresql" package, module Database.Persist.Postgresql
  , appHost :: HostPreferences -- from "warp" package, module Network.Wai.Handler.Warp
  , appPort :: Int
  , appReloadTemplate :: Bool
  , appMutableStatic :: Bool
  , appSkipCombining :: Bool
  , appDetailedRequestLogging :: Bool

At the snippet above, we wrapped a few configurations from database configuration, port that we are going to use, and a few other things. Do we need it? Surely we need it for the ease of development process like in the scaffolded templates. Other than to ease the development process, we surely want to set some configurations that meet our needs. Example given, we will use appDatabaseConf field to create a ConnectionPool for our App.

Now, let's back to Foundation.hs and continue our instantiation of our Yesod app. First, we have to import our ApplicationSettings in Settings module. Then, we need to customise our Yesod instance of App by defining approot.

instance Yesod App where
  approot = ApprootRequest $ \app req ->
    case appRoot $ appSettings app of
      Nothing -> getApprootText guessApproot app req
      Just root -> root

It's just our usual function. "If approot is not set, set it by guessing approot based on the request and application. Else? Great! We'll use that!" Unfortunately, when we try to compile it, the compiler will fail to do so because "There's no instance of Yesod dispatch" or something like that. Basically, app/Main.hs cannot be compiled because we have modified App to take an ApplicationSettings and few other data. Surely we remember that we have wrapped ApplicationSettings in an App, right?

So, let's fix that. As written in yesod-book, we are using warp as our web server. Among many functions to run warp in its hackage page, all of them take Application (Wai's web application) as one of their parameters. Based on our situation, where we have a yesod instance and the need for database, we have to transform our App into Application and then run in using one of warp runner functions.

Let's head to src/Application.hs to define our new main function. Here, we will run the transformed App which runs on top of warp using our predefined settings which was defined in ApplicationSettings using runSettings. Why do we use runSettings, because we want warp to run at our defined port, host, etc just like what we have defined.

Now, we will create a function to create a warp Settings from our ApplicationSettings.

warpSettings :: App -> Settings -- from module Network.Wai.Handler.Warp
warpSettings app =
  setPort (appPost $ appSettings app) $ -- 1
  setHost (appHost $ appSettings app) $ -- 2
    (\_req exception -> 
      when (defaultShouldDisplayException exception) $
  --- ^ from Control.Monad    ^ from Network.Wai.Handler.Warp
        (appLogger app) -- 3
        $(qLocation >>= liftLoc) -- from "template-haskell", module Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax
        (toLogStr $ "Exception from warp" ++ show exception))
    defaultSettings -- from Network.Wai.Handler.Warp

Basically, the function above creates warp's Settings from our App. As you can see, there are three (1, 2, 3) used settings there.

Now, let's make a Wai Application from our App.

makeApplication app = do
  commonapp <- toWaiApp app
  return $ defaultMiddlewaresNoLogging commonapp

I guess the function above is pretty clear. And now, we have transformed our App into a Wai Application. So let's run Warp server using two snippets above.

newMain = do
  app ???
  commonapp <- makeApplication app
  runSettings (warpSettings app) commonapp

Okay, I forgot where do we get an App. But remember, in order to have an App, we have to have:

At this point, our progress can be viewed here

So, let's make an App by creating it from an ApplicationSettings.

{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
makeFoundation :: ApplicationSettings -> IO App
makeFoundation appSettings = do
  appHttpManager <- getGlobalManager -- from package "http-client-tls", module Network.HTTP.Client.TLS
  appLogger <- newStdoutLoggerSet defaultBufSize >>= makeYesodLogger -- from "fast-logger", module System.Log.FastLogger
  appStatic <-
    (if appMutableStatic appSettings
       then staticDevel -- from "yesod-static", module Yesod.Static
       else static) -- from "yesod-static", module Yesod.Static
      (appStaticDir appSettings)
  let mkFoundation appConnectionPool = App {..} -- RecordWildCards
      tempFoundation =
        mkFoundation $ error "Connection pool forced in tempFoundation"
      logFunc = messageLoggerSource tempFoundation appLogger
  pool <-
    flip runLoggingT logFunc $
    createPostgresqlPool -- from "persistent-postgresql", module Database.Persist.Postgresql
      (pgConnStr $ appDatabaseConf appSettings)
      (pgPoolSize $ appDatabaseConf appSettings)
  return $ mkFoundation pool

You see, we can create an App by creating its components and using RecordWildCards. As copied above, first we create a appHttpManager by calling getGlobalManager. It is strongly recommended to use a single keep-alive connections tracker in a web application like this. And that is why we call the global thing. Next, just our standard output logger. You can change it to a file if that suits your taste. For creating appStatic, which is used to serve the static files, we can do it by checking the appMutableStatic from appSettings. The interesting part is the ConnectionPool creation. We haven't had a logger yet, we need it in order to create a connection pool. So, the templates create an App without ConnectionPool, though I usually choose to use runNoLoggingT when creating a connection pool.

Now, we have an App, but we haven't an ApplicationSettings yet. So we will create it by reading a config file. Before that, we will go back to src/Settings.hs to create yaml decoder for our settings.

{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}

instance FromJSON ApplicationSettings where -- package "aeson", module Data.Aeson
  parseJSON =
    withObject "ApplicationSettings" $ \ob -> do
      let defEnv = True
      appStaticDir <- ob .: "static-dir"
      appRoot <- ob .:? "app-root"
      appHost <- fromString <$> ob .: "app-host"
      appDatabaseConf <- ob .: "database-conf"
      appPort <- ob .: "app-port"
      dev <- ob .: "development" .!= defEnv
      appReloadTemplate <- ob .:? "reload-template" .!= dev
      appMutableStatic <- ob .:? "mutable-static" .!= dev
      appSkipCombining <- ob .:? "skip-combining" .!= dev
      appDetailedRequestLogging <- ob .:? "detailed-req-log" .!= dev
      return ApplicationSettings {..}

configSettingsYmlBS :: ByteString
configSettingsYmlBS = $(embedFile configSettingsYml) -- package "file-embed", module Data.Embed

configSettingsYmlValue :: Value
configSettingsYmlValue = either Exception.throw id $ decodeEither' configSettingsYmlBS -- package "yaml", module Data.Yaml

You see, FromJSON is a class of type that can be converted from JSON to a haskell type. So, we created that instance for our ApplicationSettings by parsing a few yaml fields. Nevermind about .: though. It's just a fancy way to extract the field value from a field with name that matches with the string in the quotes. Oh, and defEnv, for now we will keep it as True because, well, it's true that we're in a development mode.

The other two functions? configSettingsYmlBS is just a helper function from "file-embed" package that reads a file using a magic named TemplateHaskell by parsing configSettingsYml into filepath config/settings.yml. Oh yeah, we can get configSettingsYml by importing Yesod.Default.Config2. Same with configSettingsYmlValue, it is a helper function that throws an Exception if we can't parse the file at src/settings.yml.

Now, when you compile this project and run it, you will get an error about there's no file in config/settings.yml. So, just create it and fill the data. And if you don't want to wonder how should you write it, just check the following commit.

This time, when you run this project and direct your browser to localhost:3000 you will get a page with Nice written on it.

We will continue building our App so it has nice things we need (or want).

Let's start with creating a shorthand for Form. That type usually really mouthful to write. So, instead of Html -> MForm (HandlerFor App) (FormResult a, Widget), we just going to use Form a.

type Form a = Html -> MForm (HandlerFor App) (FormResult a, Widget)

and for database thingy,

type DB a = forall (m :: * -> *). (MonadIO m) => ReaderT SqlBackend m a

Ah, yes. There's also a keyword forall. Whenever you see a forall, just think that you argument for the argument will be used in the signature. In this case, m, which is a function that transform anything into any other thing, will be used as the value for MonadIO. And let's not talk about MonadIO. There are too many shit stirred because of Monad and too few articles about building things.

Now, we have aliases and/or shortcuts, so let's continue fulfilling our Yesod class requirements.

{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
instance Yesod App where
  -- cont.
  yesodMiddleware = defaultYesodMiddleware
  defaultLayout widget = do
    master <- getYesod
    mmessage <- getMessage -- module Yesod.Core
    mcurrentroute <- getCurrentRoute -- module.Yesod.Core
    pagecontent <- widgetToPageContent $ do -- module Yesod.Core
      [whamlet| -- Template haskell.
        $maybe route <- mcurrentroute
          <p> You're at #{show route}.
          <p> You're lost.
    withUrlRenderer $(hamletFile "templates/wrapper.hamlet") -- from package `sakespeare`, module Text.Hamlet

Here, we defined two new functions. yesodMiddleware, which we didn't actually change it because yesodMiddleware's default is defaultYesodMiddleware. Heh, talk about futile endeavor. But, if you read the doc, middleware is something like a gatekeeper of requests. Each and every request will be checked, modified, or even rejected by the middleware if it doesn't exceed middleware's expectation. The other function is defaultLayout. This function takes a WidgetFor and transform it into HandlerFor App Html. Basically, this function will be used as the default layout when you didn't specifically define what the web server should use. If you don't believe me, run this executable, and direct your browser to undefined route and you will still see You're lost. which was defined above. As for how would we write inside of [whamlet| _ |], pretty much it's a simplified html. But instead of wrapping things with <element>__</element>, just give it an indentation. Yesod book has a detailed explanation about it. Oh yeah, don't forget to create a directory named templates and a file in it named wrapper.hamlet.

You can see the progress of this project here.

Modeling Database

Now, we will write the database's representation using persistent package. First, we should create a file named Model.hs in src directory. Though the actual representation is pretty long for this blog post, we will only include two or three tables in this post.

-- skipped a ton of extensions.
module Model where
import ClassyPrelude.Yesod
import Database.Persist.TH

  [mkPersist sqlSettings, mkDeleteCascade sqlSettings, mkMigrate "migrateAll"]
      forumId ForumsId
      poster Text
      subject Text
      repliesCount Int default=0
      startTime UTCTime
      lastPost UTCTime Maybe
      lastPostId PostsId Maybe
      lastPoster Text Maybe
      isLocked Bool default=false
      deriving Show Eq
      topicId TopicsId
      number Int
      username Text
      userId UsersId
      time UTCTime
      content Text
      deriving Show Eq
      groupId GroupsId
      username Text
      email Text
      password Text Maybe
      joinTime UTCTime
      topicsStarted Int default=0
      repliesPosted Int default=0
      UniqueUsername username
      UniqueEmail email
      deriving Show Eq

You see, I've written a few basic concepts of persistent here and if you want, you can check it out first. If you see closely, one of Users's block, password field is a nullable. We let it as a nullable because package yesod-auth-hashdb needs it. Don't worry, we'll check it out later.

If you re-open FluxBB's database structure, you will know how different our models and theirs. Mostly, FluxBB doesn't use foreign keys and a lot of nullables. Here, in our model, we don't use the nullables that much and only when we really have to use it. Other than to reduce noises, we don't want to write too much, right?

Now, we have defined the database representation. We will continue spending our leisure time by integrating the previous module to our Foundation. So, let's back to src/Foundation.hs.

There, we will make sure our App is in YesodPersist class.

instance YesodPersist App where
  type YesodPersistBackend App = SqlBackend
  runDB action = do
    master <- getYesod
    runSqlPool action $ appConnectionPool master

By fulfilling YesodPersist's class qualification, we can talk to the database in our web application. You see that runSqlPool line? That's how the query being executed. And executing the query in our web application? Easy, just runDB query! Though you have to add liftHandler in front of runDB query with the reason which will be talked later. Promise!

Now, the nice thing is we will let our web application to create its needed tables by itself. Let's head to src/Application.hs and add a few lines of function.

import Model
makeFoundation = do
   -- skip
   pool <- --skip
   runLogginT (runSqlPool (runMigration migrateAll) pool) logFunc -- added
   return $ mkFoundation pool

The added line means that we will run the migration plan migrateAll which was defined at the Model.hs, inside the share's first arguments. Now, when you compile this project and run it, you will see something like the following

Migrating: CREATe TABLE "categories"("id" SERIAL8  PRIMARY KEY UNIQUE,"name" VARCHAR NOT NULL)
Migrating: CREATe TABLE "forums"("id" SERIAL8  PRIMARY KEY UNIQUE,"category_id" INT8 NOT NULL,"name" VARCHAR NOT NULL,"descriptions" VARCHAR NULL,"topics_count" INT8 NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,"replies_count" INT8 NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,"last_post" TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE NULL,"last_post_id" INT8 NULL,"last_poster" VARCHAR NULL)
-- etc.

You can see the progress to this point by looking at this commit.


Well, it's true that stopping stack exec, running stack build, and then running stack exec again is tiring. So, we will implement scaffolded templates' stack exec -- yesod devel feature at src/Application.hs

{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
import ClassyPrelude.Yesod
import Network.Wai (Middleware)

makeLogware :: App -> IO Middleware
makeLogware app = do
    def - package classy-prelude-yesod
    { outputFormat =
        if appDetailedRequestLogging $ appSettings app
          then Detailed True
          else Apache FromFallback
    , destination = Logger $ loggerSet $ appLogger app

makeApplication app = do
  commonapp <- toWaiApp app
  logware <- makeLogware app
  return $ logware $ defaultMiddlewaresNoLogging commonapp

Why would we modify this function, you say. "Because we want to have nice formatted log request," that's why. Anyway, basically the function above checks whether we want a detailed request or not and serves accordingly. Then, we will feed it into our application. Remember, our application is a Warp Application, so we can chain as many middleware as we want. Provided we can supply it, of course.

Okay, let's continue adding niceties in Application. Let's start by creating a function that reads settins.

getAppSettings :: IO ApplicationSettings
getAppSettings = loadYamlSettings [configSettingsYml] [] useEnv

Please give attention to type signature above, that's important because loadYamlSettings wants to read any yaml file that can be parsed into Haskell object. So, we have to add that signature. And why IO? Because we read it from RealWorld(tm), my friend.

Now, we continue it by writing a function that returns a tuple of Warp Settings and our Application. Simple, actually.

getAppDev :: IO (Settings, Application)
getAppDev = do
  settings <- getAppSettings
  found <- makeFoundation settings
  warpsettings <- getDevSettings $ warpSettings found
  app <- makeApplication found
  return (warpsettings, app)

develMain = develMainHelper getAppDev

We just do the same as our newMain, but instead of returning an Application, we add another value named warpsettings. Surely both of the return value will be used by develMainHelper to run it as long as we want.

After you save all of the modified files, now go to your favorite terminal emulator and run stack exec -- yesod devel. Now, whenever you modify anything under src/ directory, yesod will recompile the modified module and anything that depends on it.

Check our progress here.

Authentication, Prelude

For now, we, approximately, have 70% feature parities compared to scaffolded templates, minus handlers. So, we will add another few percents of it by adding authentication feature.

First, we will go back to src/Model.hs just to add three lines of class instantiation of HashDBUser. It's simple enough, really.

instance HashDBUser Users where
  userPasswordHash = usersPassword
  setPasswordHash u h = u {usersPassword = Just h}

In short, we just tell that Users is an instance of HashDBUser by defining those two functions. First, we tell that userPasswordHash should just use usersPassword. And setPasswordHash just a setter for Users' password.

The next part is also a bit simple. We will head to src/Foundation.hs to make our App be able to authenticate our users.

instance RenderMessage App FormMessage where
  renderMessage _ _ = defaultFormMessage

instance YesodAuth App where
  type AuthId App = UsersId
  loginDest _ = HomeR
  logoutDest _ = LoginR
  redirectToReferer _ = False
  authPlugins _ = [authHashDB (Just . UniqueUsername)]
  authenticate creds = liftHandler $ runDB $ do
    x <- getBy $ UniqueUsername $ credsIdent creds
    case x of
      Nothing             -> return $ UserError InvalidLogin
      Just (Entity uid _) -> return $ Authenticated uid

instance YesodAuthPersist App

You know why we should define our App to has a RenderMessage instance? Because YesodAuth is something like a sub class of RenderMessage. Just think of YesodAuth is "top rankers of 10th graders". And in order to be a "top ranker of 10th grader", your kid should be a 10th grader in the first place. RenderMessage is analog to the "10th graders" in this context.

Now, in order to make our App capable of authenticating our users, we have defined YesodAuth instance for our App and its requirements. AuthId App type above was specifically defined to differentiate the session of the access to our web by reading UsersId in the cookies (or something like that). loginDest and logoutDest handle what should a user see after he logged in and logged out to/from his session. while redirectToReferer determines whether should a user be redirected to the route before he visit loginDest or not.

The core of our authentication process lays at these two functions

But wait, we can't be sure whether we can really be authenticated or not, right? That's pretty disappointing, actually. It's time to start writing Seed program where it seeds our database population.

Let's create a directory name seed and create a file named Main.hs and modify package.yaml to include seed as one of our program.

  -- skip
    main: Main.hs
    source-dirs: seed
    - -threaded
    - -rtsopts
    - -with-rtsopts=-N
    - our-project

Which basically tells stack (or is it cabal? or is it hpack?) that there is a new entry for the executables named Seed with the entry point in Main.hs which located in seed directory.

What left is what should we write for it.

insertGroup txt = insert $ Groups txt

createAdministrator gid username email password = do
  now <- liftIO getCurrentTime
  let usersGroupId = gid
      usersUsername = username
      usersEmail = email
      usersPassword = password
      usersJoinTime = now
      usersTopicsStarted = 0
      usersRepliesPosted = 0
  insert_ $ Users {..}

main :: IO ()
main = do
  settings <- loadYamlSettingsArgs [configSettingsYmlValue] useEnv -- [1]
  let conn = (pgConnStr $ appDatabaseConf settings) -- [2]
  username <- getLine -- [3]
  password <- -- [4]
    do something <- getLine
       password <- makePassword (encodeUtf8 something) 17
       return $ decodeUtf8 password
  email <- getLine -- [5]
  runStderrLoggingT . withPostgresqlConn conn $ -- [6]
    runSqlConn $ do
      runMigration migrateAll
      gid <- insertGroup Administrator
      gin <- insertGroup Moderator
      gim <- insertGroup Member
      gib <- insertGroup Banned
      createAdministrator gid username email (Just password) -- [7]

There are a few functions here.

Now, when we compile our project (stack build), we will have another binary executable named Seed. When we execute it (stack exec Seed), it will ask our needed inputs. Although the order is fucked up just fill it casually. (for further read, please read Mr. Snoyman's post about conduit and console input which I can't remember where is it.) When you have run it, look at the database (select * from users) and you will see that our data has been inserted there.

Progress til now: this

Authentication, Login & Logout

Now, since our supporting infrastructure is satisfied, then the next step is to create where should the user head to log in, right? That's why we will add a route to our application and its handler and modify defaultLayout.

-- Foundation.hs
mkYesodData "App"
    /        HomeR     GET
    /auth    SigninR   Auth getAuth
    /profile ProfileR  GET

You see that /profile ... line above? That's our new route. Don't worry to see it, because the program won't compile because it doesn't have the required handle.

-- Profile.hs
getProfileR :: Handler Html
getProfileR = do
  (Just (Entity userid user)) <- maybeAuth
  defaultLayout $ do
    setTitle "Nice"
      <p> You are: #{usersUsername user}
      <p> Userid: #{fromSqlKey userid}
      <p> Your email: #{usersEmail user}

In case you're wondering why would we "extract" maybeAuth directly as Just x, we are going to make ProfileR as a protected route where only logged in users could see it. And in order to do that, we have to modify Foundation.hs to be able to "guard" the route above.

instance Yesod App where
    -- snip
  authRoute _ = Just $ SigninR LoginR -- [1]
  defaultLayout widget = do
    master <- getYesod
    maut <- maybeAuth -- [2]
    mmessage <- getMessage
    pagecontent <- widgetToPageContent $ do
        $maybe aut <- maut
          <a href=@{SigninR LogoutR}> Logout -- [3]
          <a href=@{SigninR LoginR}> Login -- [3]
    withUrlRenderer $(hamletFile "templates/wrapper.hamlet")
  isAuthorized (SigninR _) _ = return Authorized -- [4]
  isAuthorized HomeR _       = return Authorized -- [4]
  isAuthorized ProfileR _    = isLoggedIn -- [4]

isLoggedIn :: Handler AuthResult
isLoggedIn = do -- [5]
  maut <- maybeAuth
  case maut of
    Nothing -> return $ Unauthorized "login please"
    Just _  -> return Authorized

At the snippet the interesting parts are the marked ones.

  1. We stated that there is a login / auth route.
  2. We put this line in order to get the "auth status" of the incoming requests.
  3. We used the point 2's result to determine whether we should display login link or logout link.
  4. This is where the app guards the routes. We specifically defined that only requests that satisfy isLoggedIn be able to access ProfileR.
  5. isLoggedIn basically checks the requests whether it has auth in the session cookies or not. If the requests don't have it, then we can just short circuit the process by returning "Unauthorized access". Otherwise, we will continue to process the requests.

Now, we should add import Profile to src/Application.hs and then run it. We will be able to login and logout to and from our application. Nice.

You can check out the our progress here.

Default Layout

Considering how long HTML is, I think we should separate it from our code. What I mean by separation is, the program should just read the hamlet files and return the templates.

Now, let's head for Settings.hs, where everything related to settings are there.

compileTimeAppSettings :: ApplicationSettings
compileTimeAppSettings =
  case fromJSON $ applyEnvValue False mempty configSettingsYmlValue of
    Error e   -> error e
    Success s -> s

widgetFile :: String -> Q Exp
widgetFile =
  (if appReloadTemplate compileTimeAppSettings
     then widgetFileReload
     else widgetFileNoReload)
    widgetFileSettings :: WidgetFileSettings
    widgetFileSettings = def

Those two functions above are used in the scaffolded templates to load (and/or reload) the template (hamlet, julius, and cassius) files. About compileTimeAppSettings, it just reads the setting value at the compile time and throws an error when there's no valid settings. Though it's pretty much impossible to throw error because configSettingsYmlValue will throw error first if the setting file has invalid values. While widgetFile just reload (or not) the templates based on the settings.

So, what should we do next is applying widgetFile function to our application. And it's actually pretty simple.

instance Yesod App where
  defaultLayout widget = do
    pagecontent <- widgetToPageContent $ $(widgetFile "def") -- this one.
    withUrlRenderer $(hamletFile "templates/wrapper.hamlet")

And if you wonder why do we use widgetFile while hamletFile does exist, if you look at hamletFile signature, it returns Html while what we need is WidgetFor App ()

I will hereafter always skip hamlet contents for the sake of cutting the word counts down. You can still see the commited files at the of sub-sub-sub-section as usual though.

And now, when load our site in the browser and see its source, you will see the structure of our templates.

Here's current progress commit. Also, the page looks weird without any css, we will add that by adding static route in our app.

-- Foundation.hs
mkYesodData "App" [parseRoutes|.... /static StaticR Static appStatic ....]

and create a file named StaticFiles.hs at a new directory Settings which contains

-- skip extensions and imports
staticFiles (appStaticDir compileTimeAppSettings)

Surely we know what the first snippet does. As it just parses new /static route. But the second snippet, unfortunately, I'm not really sure what it does. And surely it relates to GHC and Template Haskell restrictions.

Anyway, let's add css files to defaultLayout.

  defaultLayout widget = do
    -- skip
    pagecontent <- widgetToPageContent $ do
      addStylesheet $ StaticR css_main_css
      addStylesheet $ StaticR css_milligram_min_css
      addStylesheet $ StaticR css_main_css
      $(widgetFile "def")
    withUrlRenderer $(hamletFile "templates/wrapper.hamlet")

And then reload our site and you'll see that our css is applied to the layout.

Current progress: commit.

Login Layout

I don't know, my friend. I dislike the default layout of the login form by yesod-auth-hashdb. So we will fix that by modifying YesodAuth instance, authPlugins function to

  authPlugins _ = [authHashDBWithForm loginform (Just . UniqueUsername)]
      loginform :: Route App -> Widget
      loginform action = $(whamletFile "templates/login.hamlet")

The difference between authHashDB and authHashDBWithForm is that the later receives an addition argument of Route App -> Widget. And we provided a function that exactly has that kind of signature. Don't worry about the content of templates/login.hamlet. I will include it in the next commit.

Completion of Foundation

Now that we have the needed foundation that provides:

The next part is where we clone (most of) the functionalities of FluxBB.


Cloning Things

Here, we will try to copy the functionality of FluxBB. Although it won't 100% parity

Preparations and Convention

Before doing anything, we should create a convention about what the handlers do. For me, personally, what handlers should only do are:

And what a handler should not do:

My weird code styles:

Now, let's start by cleaning up our imports. For example, instead of importing Yesod.Core, ClassyPrelude.Yesod, etc in each and every file, we can just import a single file that has exported other modules.

-- src/Import/NoFoundation.hs
module Import.NoFoundation where
import Yesod.Auth as Import
import ClassyPrelude.Yesod as Import
-- import anything that you want to import.

-- src/Import.hs
module Import where
import Import.NoFoundation as Import
import Foundation as Import

Now, whenever you see a module that imports, say, Yesod.Auth, you can simply replace it with import Import. What we just did was to simplify our imports by "combining" our import modules into a single module.

And create a directory named Handler to contain every handler we have. Plus, don't forget to update the name of the module that responsible for handling requests (Home and Profile). The purpose of this move is to ensure that we separate our (modules') concerns. Other than that, I dislike a disastrous ~/ or any root project.

Now, we have cleaned our root project directory, let's start.

Category Administration

If you're wondering why do we start with administering category, then I will confess that I feel I can solve this problem (writing this article) better when I approach it top-down. It doesn't mean that you should the same, but, I don't know. Just like Sinatra has sung, I will do it my way~

Okay, administering category in this context actually just means that we can create categories and delete them, if the situation demands us to do so.

Based on the requirements above, we should:

Therefore, we should create functions that satisfy the requirements above.

Category Creation: Business Logic and Database Query

First, we should look at the Categories entity at Model.hs. There, it was clear that a Categories only have a field named categoriesName which should be come from our Administrator. So, we should have a function that takes two parameters, grouping and catname and should return an OK when our input pass our requirements and Permission Denied when it doesn't pass.

So, let's create a directory named Flux, a file named AdmCategory.hs in it, and fill it with

module Flux.AdmCategory where
import Import

createCategory Administrator catname = liftHandler $ runDB $ _ catname -- [1]
createCategory _ _ = permissionDenied "You're not allowed to do it." -- [2]

The function above is just a standard pattern matching function. [2] will just throw a permission denied when the one who asks for The interesting part is at [1], there's a "holed" parameter. When you compile it GHC will scream about ReaderT (YesodPersistBackend (HandlerSite m)) (HandlerFor (HandlerSite m)) a. That's where we should create the query.

Now, let's create a directory named DBOp, a file named CRUDCategory.hs in it, and fill it with

module DBOp.CRUDCategory where
import Import

insertCategory catname = insert $ Categories catname

And modify Flux.AdmCategory to import DBOp.CRUDCategory and replace the "holed" (_) function with insertCategory.

Surely there are a few complains from GHC. Don't worry, if you use intero, just apply the suggestion (C-c C-r C-c C-c) by adding GADTs extension to it.

And that's it. Basically we have completed the logic of this part.

Category Creation: Route and UI

In this page, a FluxBB administrator would see a page filled with something like the following (which was dumbed down a lot):

├── New Category
│     Category Name [ input ]
│       [button create]
├── Category List
│     Categories [ dropdown ]
│       [button delete]

Which means we should have two parts of input group. The first part is a form which takes a textfield for a category name and the second one is a dropdown (or select?) to display the list of the existing groups (to be deleted).

Now, to simplify a lot of things, we will create the data form for those two forms in the same file for the handler function of this route.

-- src/Handler/Adm/Category.hs
module Handler.Adm.Category where
-- skip imports (Imports, Database.Esqueleto, Flux.AdmCategory)
data CreateCategoryForm = CreateCategoryForm { createCategoryFormName :: Text } deriving (Show)

createCategoryForm :: Form CreateCategoryForm
createCategoryForm = renderDivs $ CreateCategoryForm <$> areq textField "Category Name" Nothing

data SelectCategoryForm = SelectCategoryForm { selectCategoryFormId :: Int64 } deriving (Show)

selectCategoryForm :: [Entity Categories] -> Form SelectCategoryForm
selectCategoryForm cats = renderDivs $ SelectCategoryForm <$> areq (selectFieldList catlist) "Category" Nothing
    catlist = map (\(Entity cid (Categories name)) -> (name, fromSqlKey $ cid)) cats :: [(Text, Int64)]

getAdmCategoryR :: Handler Html
getAdmCategoryR = do
  (widc, enctc) <- generateFormPost createCategoryForm
      <form enctype=#{enctc}>
        <input .button-primary value=create type=submit>

Data forms above are just our usual yesod's forms. Nothing special there. But when you see selectCategoryForm, you will see that it takes a list of Entity Category We will use that to create a dropdown list that contains Groups' names and Groups' ids. And then we will use createCategoryForm to generate a post-form which also be defined later.

The next step is modifying our Foundation to support the route and miscellanea.

If you were wondering where did we get the grouping of a request, we will create that. Let's head to Foundation.hs, import Database.Esqueleto, hiding a few operators, and then add a function there.

    -- skip
    /admin/category  AdmCategoryR GET

getUserAndGrouping :: Handler (Maybe (Key Users, Text, Grouping))
getUserAndGrouping = do
  maut <- maybeAuth
  case maut of
    Nothing -> return Nothing
    Just (Entity uid user) -> do
      [gro] <-
        liftHandler $ runDB $
          select $ from $ \(group, user) -> do
              (user ^. UsersId ==. val uid &&. group ^. GroupsId ==. user ^. UsersGroupId)
            limit 1
            return (group ^. GroupsGrouping)
      return $ Just (uid, usersUsername user, unValue gro)

The function above retrieves userid, username, and group from the following columns from database:, users.username, and groups.grouping by doing the following things:

  1. Gets the authentication status of a request.
  2. In case of the absence of authenticated status, it returns nothing.
  3. Otherwise, it queries the database what is the Grouping of a user with id uid.
  4. Returns the group and and wrap them into a triple.

Current progress: commit

And I'm sorry for commiting so often. I'm afraid of commiting mistakes when writing this article. Especially about the flow of the software-writing process.

When we load localhost:3000/admin/category in our browser, we will see a page with Permission Denied, login please written on it. And after we login using the user that we have created previously using Seed program, and head the same page, we will be greeted by textfield with "Group name" written on top of it.

Now, let's integrate getUserAndGrouping in route admin.

allowedToAdmin :: Handler (Key Users, Text, Grouping)
allowedToAdmin = do
  midnamegroup <- getUserAndGrouping
  case midnamegroup of
    Nothing -> permissionDenied "You're not allowed to see this page."
    (Just (uid, name, Administrator)) -> return (uid, name, Administrator)
    (Just (uid, name, _)) -> permissionDenied "You're not the admin of this site."

-- And insert it at the topmost handler.
getAdmCategoryR :: Handler Html
getAdmCategoryR = do
  (uid, name, group) <- allowedToAdmin
  -- the rest is still the same.

You see, when there's no session associated by getUserAndGrouping we can tell the user that he is not allowed to see the page. Even we can tell the users who aren't an Administrator that they're not allowed to do the same. What nice is, because allowedToAdmin is a shortcircuiting function, we can be really sure to extract uid, name, and group from the previous function.

If you don't believe me, you can create a Moderator or Member user directly in the database and access this route.

cirkeltrek=# select grouping, username, password from users, groups where users.group_id =;
   grouping    | username  |                                    password
 Administrator | iaji      | sha256|17|xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx1f9aQ==|2WD50Li/BMLN/nOtw9C7PALXzK4YSPgAcfnRPpRYgfU=
 Moderator     | moderator | sha256|17|xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx1f9aQ==|2WD50Li/BMLN/nOtw9C7PALXzK4YSPgAcfnRPpRYgfU=

Login with that new user, open this route, and you will be greeted by "You're not the admin of this site." Isn't it nice? It's nice.

The next part is where we actually creating the new category.

postAdmCategoryR :: Handler Html
postAdmCategoryR = do
  (uid, name, group) <- allowedToAdmin
  ((res, _), _) <- runFormPost createCategoryForm
  case res of
    FormFailure x -> invalidArgs x
    FormSuccess r -> do
      _ <- createCategory group (createCategoryFormName r)
      redirect AdmCategoryR
    _ -> invalidArgs ["Good job, smarty pants!"]

That function above uses allowedToAdmin as a guard to keep the unauthorised users away. Then the res is the result of post-form parsing by runPostForm using createCategoryForm as the "template" of input. In case of form failure or anything that is not a succesful result, we will let them be. Other than that, we will create the group and then redirect back to this route.

Now, try it and look the database. You will see something like the following.

cirkeltrek=# select * from categories;
 id |   name
  1 | Ayyy lmoa

One thing, though. We forgot to show the list of the database so let's fix that. In order to show all categories, we should query the database. So, we should create the function in DBOp.CRUDCategory, call it in Flux.AdmCategory (because of separation of concerns. LOL) And then show the result.

-- DBOp/CRUDCategory.hs
selectAllCategory =
  select $
  from $ \category -> do
    orderBy [asc (category ^. CategoriesName)]
    return category

-- Flux/AdmCategory.hs
getAllCategories = liftHandler $ runDB $ selectAllCategory

--  Handler/Adm/Category.hs
getAdmCategoryR = do
  -- skip
  allcategories <- getAllCategories
  (widl, enctl) <- generateFormPost $ selectCategoryForm allcategories
      <form method=post enctype=#{enctc}>
        <input .button-primary value=create type=submit>
      <form method=post enctype=#{enctl}>
        <input .button-primary value=delete type=submit>

At the first function, I just want to show you a nice DSL. At the second function, we just "lift" the execution of the first function (which actually is a query). At the third function, which we just modified it a little, we added a dropdown for the categories which generated from the categories in the database. In short, just check it out at your browser, my dude.

There's a bug, though. When you click "delete" what the system does is it inserts the key of the shown category to as a new category. We will fix that in the next section.

Current progress: commit.

Category Deletion: Business Logic and Database Query

I'm pretty sure you're familiar with HTTP Verbs and RESTful API (lol, "API"). When we want to create something, we would use POST. When we want to modify something, we would use PATCH or PUT. When we want to delete something, we would use POST. When we want to have a giggle, we would use GET. Unfortunately, in browser, there's no support for this kind of neat interface. Apparently, nobody has the time to write the specifications for verbs other than ``GETandPOST`. I don't know why, my friend.

So, why did I write the previous paragraph? Because it relates to the undesired behaviour at the previous section. In an ideal world, we can just define the method for the forms and create the corresponding yesod handler. Unfortunately, there's no such thing as ideal in this world. So, we will try to fit our program in.

Basically, Forms request formats in yesod are determined by, at least, two things.

It's better to show the code.

-- src/Handler/Adm/Category.hs
getAdmCategoryR :: Handler Html
-- skip
  defaultLayout [whamlet|
    -- skip
    <form method=post enctype=#{enctc}>
      <input .button-primary name=create value=create type=submit>

Please see the name tag of the input element above. It has create as its name and create as its value. When you press the "Create" button at the previous section, the format of the request will look like something

curl -d "_token=JdwQprBqre&f1=Ayyy+lmoa&create=create" -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" \
  -X POST http://localhost:3000/admin/category

Basically, the data sent by yesod-generated form in a request could be added by our own defined input. And using that kind of method, we can shoe horn our route handlers to handle deletion and creation.

Okay, let's modify our postAdmCategoryR into something like the following.

  (uid, name, group) <- allowedToAdmin
  createparam <- lookupPostParam "create" -- [1]
  deleteparam <- lookupPostParam "delete" -- [2]
  case (createparam, deleteparam) of -- [3]
    (Nothing, Nothing) -> invalidArgs ["At least be sure of what you want."] -- [4]
    (Just _, Nothing) -> do -- [5]
      ((res, _), _) <- runFormPost createCategoryForm
      case res of
        FormFailure x -> invalidArgs x
        FormSuccess r -> do
          _ <- createCategory group (createCategoryFormName r)
          redirect AdmCategoryR
        _ -> invalidArgs ["Good job, smarty pants!"]
    (Nothing, Just _) -> do -- [6]
      allcategories <- getAllCategories
      ((res, _), _) <- runFormPost $ selectCategoryForm allcategories
      case res of
        FormFailure x -> invalidArgs x
        FormSuccess r -> do
          defaultLayout [whamlet|
            I see, you want to delete #{selectCategoryFormId r}
        _ -> invalidArgs ["Good job, smarty pants!"]
    (Just _, Just _) -> invalidArgs ["Make up your mind, my dear admin."] -- [7]

There are a few modifications that we use here.

  1. We look create from the post parameters. It could be Nothing when user clicked delete button.
  2. Same as the first point. But this time we deal with delete.
  3. Our standard pattern matching because both of createparam and deleteparam are Maybe Text
  4. When there's no create nor delete, we can't do nothing. And invalidArgs you go!
  5. When the user decided to press create button, we will continue as usual (before creation delete).
  6. When the user decided to press delete button, we will try to delete the category with at the selected dropdown. We will create this later.
  7. When the user decided to press both of them, which is impossible, or just handcrafted the request to include both of the value, we will just throw invalidArgs.

Now, we will continue point 6 above. In order to delete we have to have deleteion query and guard thing at the business logic.

To the src/DBOp/CRUDCategory.hs we go!

deleteCategory cid = do
  cat <-
    select $
    from $ \category -> do
      where_ (category ^. CategoriesId ==. val cid)
      return category
  forM_ cat (deleteCascade . entityKey)

If you're an astute reader, you will question why did we use mkDeleteCascade at src/Model.hs. Here's why we use delete cascade. Remember, because Forums has a field that references CategoriesId, we can't just delete it plainly. We have to be ruthless by using cascade so everything that related to Categories will also be deleted.

Now, the business logic, src/Flux/AdmCategory.hs,

deleteCategoryCascade Administrator cid = liftHandler $ runDB $ deleteCategory cid
deleteCategoryCascade _ _ =
  permissionDenied "You're not allowed to do this (category deletion)."

It's stupidly simple. Only Administrator could delete it. Surely, we have filtered any other user groups at the first line of the postAdmCategoryR, but let's be defensive. Trust nobody, not even yourself.

Two previous function additions now followed by postAdmCategoryR modification,

(Nothing, Just _) -> do
  allcategories <- getAllCategories
  ((res, _), _) <- runFormPost $ selectCategoryForm allcategories
  case res of
    FormFailure x -> invalidArgs x
    FormSuccess r -> do
      deleteCategoryCascade group $ toSqlKey $ selectCategoryFormId r
      redirect AdmCategoryR
    _ -> invalidArgs ["Good job, smarty pants!"]

It's pretty simple, you see.

Category Deletion: Route

Now, let's modify src/Foundation.hs to include POST method on /admin/category.

    -- skip
    /admin/category  AdmCategoryR GET POST

That's it. It wraps up this section.

Commit: this one!

Forum Administration

This section's requirements are pretty much the same as the previous one.

Forum Creation: Business Logic and Query

Better look at src/Model.hs when we forget the structure of the datatypes, right? There, we have forums.category_id,, forums.descriptions, and some fields which have default values.

Let's create a file in src/DBOp and give it CRUDForum.hs

insertForum cid name desc = insert_ $ Forum cid name desc 0 0 Nothing Nothing Nothing

You see that underscore (_)? That means we don't care the result. We actually should just do the same on the previous section because the result will be shown directly when the operation turns out to be succesful.

We will also use the same logic with the previous section, which guards the creation to only user with Administrator group.

createForum Administrator cid name desc =
  liftHandler $ runDB $ insertForum cid name desc
createForum _ _ _ _ =
  permissionDenied "You're not allowed to do this (create forum)."

Forum Administration: Route and UI

On this page users (Administrator, to be exact) expect that they will see

├── New Forum
│     Forum Name [ input ]
│     Forum Desc [ input ]
│     Category   [ dropdown ]
│       [button create]
├── Forums
│     Category Name
│       Forum Name [ button delete ] [ button edit ]
│       ....
│       Forum Name [ button delete ] [ button edit ]
|     ....

Let me be honest here because I should have said it at the opening section, editing forum will create a cumbersome thing to do. In FluxBB, other than editing the existing values, you will see permissions and redirect url. These two feature, will increase the complexity of this project by 3 knots. Yes, I'm pulling that number from my ass, true. And it's also true that I'm too lazy to implement it system-wide.

First, we will create a form that satisfy New Forum.

data CreateForumForm = CreateForumForm
  { createForumFormName :: Text
  , createForumFormDesc :: Maybe Textarea
  , createForumFormCategory :: Int64
  } deriving (Show)

createForumForm :: [Entity Categories] -> Form CreateForumForm
createForumForm cats = renderDivs $
  <$> areq textField "Forum Name" Nothing
  <*> aopt textareaField "Description" Nothing
  <*> areq (selectFieldList catlist) "Category" Nothing
    catlist =
      map (\(Entity cid (Categories name)) -> (name, fromSqlKey cid)) cats

data CreateForumForm above has the same explanation as the previous section. But this time, there is a new field with Maybe Textarea and an Int64 for CategoryId.

And don't forget to add a route entry at src/Foundation.hs and src/Application.hs.

-- src/Foundation.hs
mkYesodData -- skip
    /admin/forum     AdmForumR    GET

-- src/Application.hs
import Handler.Adm.Forum

Now, let's add a GET handler for the route above.

getAdmForumR = do
  (u, n, g) <- allowedToAdmin
  allcategories <- getAllCategories
  (wid, enct) <- generateFormPost $ createForumForm allcategories
  defaultLayout $ do
      <h3> Create Forum
      <form method=post action=@{AdmForumR} enctype=#{enct}>
        <input .button-primary name=create value=create type=submit>

You will see that we're using the same request guard (or something like that) with allowedToAdmin in Handler.Adm.Category. It's better to move them to a single place. And I heard that Foundation is the right place for it.

Now, let's create the handler for the previous snippet.

postAdmForumR = do
  (u, n, g) <- allowedToAdmin -- [1]
  allcategories <- getAllCategories -- [2]
  ((res, _), _) <- runFormPost $ createForumForm allcategories -- [3]
  case res of
    FormFailure x -> invalidArgs x -- [4]
    FormSuccess r -> do -- [5]
        (toSqlKey $ createForumFormCategory r)
        (createForumFormName r)
        (unTextarea <$> createForumFormDesc r)
      redirect AdmForumR
    _ -> invalidArgs ["Good job, smarty pants!"] -- [4]

Basically the function above does:

  1. No admin, get out!
  2. Gets all categories. Please have a look at src/Flux/AdmCategory.hs.
  3. Form parsing using "seed" from the previous point.
  4. Standard "get out."
  5. The real meat. We just extract the fields of the result of form parsing above, save it to the database, and then redirect to AdmForumR.

And that's it. I really suggest you to open approot/admin/forum, input your values, and then have a look at the database. Here's mine.

cirkeltrek=# select * from forums;
 id | category_id |   name   | descriptions | topics_count | replies_count | last_post | last_post_id | last_poster
  1 |           1 | Frist!!! | Nice, homie! |            0 |             0 |           |              |
(1 row)

Current progress: commit.

Wait! We haven't shown our forum listings! In FluxBB, the layout is something like the following:

├── Forums
│     Category Name
│       Forum Name [ button delete ] [ button edit ]
│       ....
│       Forum Name [ button delete ] [ button edit ]
│     ....

Now, we have to simply query the forums, grouped by their categories. Okay, let's create the query.

selectAllForumsAndCategoryName :: ReaderT backen m [(Text, Maybe [Text], Maybe [Key Forums])]
selectAllForumsAndCategoryName = do
  catnameandforums <-
    select $
    from $ \(category, forum) -> do
      where_ (category ^. CategoriesId ==. forum ^. ForumsCategoryId)
      groupBy (category ^. CategoriesName)
        ( category ^. CategoriesName
        , arrayAgg (forum ^. ForumsName)
        , arrayAgg (forum ^. ForumsId))
  return $
    map (\(a, b, c) -> (unValue a, unValue b, unValue c)) catnameandforums

It's a simple query at CRUDForum which basically tell get forums and its category name. Nothing interesting, actually. Apart from arrayAgg, which aggregates the result.

And for the handlers, we will use standard liftHandler.

getForumsAndItsCategory = do
  something <- liftHandler $ runDB $ selectAllForumsAndCategoryName
  return $ map (\(cname, mts, mks) -> (cname, spread mts mks)) something
    spread (Just ts) (Just ks) = zip ts ks
    spread (Just _) Nothing    = []
    spread Nothing _           = []

Considering the result of the previous function could contains Nothing, we should clear 'em a bit using spread function above. Though the function above could be cleaned a little by skipping Nothing.

And then use it on the handlers.

  defaultLayout $ do
     -- skip
      <form method=post action=@{AdmForumR} enctype=#{enct}>
      $forall (catname, fnamekeys) <- catfnamekeys
        <h4> Category: #{catname}
            <th width="70%"> Name
            <th> Delete
            $forall (name, key) <- fnamekeys
                <td> #{name}
                <td> <input name=delete-forum-id value=#{fromSqlKey key} type=checkbox>
      <input .button-primary name=delete value=delete type=submit>

The snippet above is a part from the getAdmForumR. I think that snippet is pretty clear. Though it takes too much of space. From this commit section on, we will put them in the templates directory.

For the deletion query, we will use the same function that looks really similar with the category deletion above.

deleteForumById fid = do
  forums <- select $ from $ \forum -> do
    where_ (forum ^. ForumsId ==. val fid)
    return forum
  forM_ forums (deleteCascade . entityKey)

Again, just plain boring query.

I swear, this part of logic is pretty boring. Not even forceTextToInt64 can save it. Even the reason why do we use that is also boring. Remember lookupPostParam? Its list equivalent returns a list of Text, while what we need is a list of Int64 Surely we can throw stupid user try again or something like that. But, let's keep them wondering why their malformed form never work as "intended".

deleteForums Administrator fids =
  liftHandler $
  runDB $ forM_ fids (deleteForumById . toSqlKey . forceTextToInt64)
deleteForums _ _ = permissionDenied "You're not allowed to do this (delete forum)"

forceTextToInt64 :: Text -> Int64
forceTextToInt64 t =
  case readMay t of
    Just i  -> i :: Int64
    Nothing -> 0

This is the handler for POST request. Using the same ugly technique as the previous section, we will manage to determine what should be done.

postAdmForumR = do
  (u, n, g) <- allowedToAdmin
  allcategories <- getAllCategories
  createparam <- lookupPostParam "create" -- [1]
  deleteparam <- lookupPostParam "delete" -- [1]
  case (createparam, deleteparam) of
    (Nothing, Nothing) -> invalidArgs ["What do you want? Create or delete?"] -- [1]
    (Just _, Just _) -> invalidArgs ["What do you want? Create or delete?"] -- [1]
    (Just _, Nothing) -> do -- [2]
      ((res, _), _) <- runFormPost $ createForumForm allcategories
      case res of
        FormFailure x -> invalidArgs x
        FormSuccess r -> do
          createForum g
            (toSqlKey $ createForumFormCategory r)
            (createForumFormName r)
            (unTextarea <$> createForumFormDesc r)
          redirect AdmForumR
        _ -> invalidArgs ["Good job, smarty pants!"]
    (Nothing, Just _) -> do
      deletions <- lookupPostParams "delete-forum-id" -- [3]
      deleteForums g deletions [4]
      redirect AdmForumR

Again, boring stuff. Which is what a boring development like this should be.

  1. The same reasoning and explanation with the "Category Management" above.
  2. Our previous function. Which is used to create a category.
  3. This is where we get the list of post parameter which I've talked about above. And it takes a Text and returns a [Text] and makes us to use forceTextToInt64.
  4. Query execution.

Commit: here.

That snippet wraps up this section. Next, we should try to get display the Index of the page.

Home, Categories, Forums, and Topics

Here we are, we are going to build this project by building it top down. First, we will create the "home" page, where we display the list of the categories and their forums. After that, we will create the "forum" page, where we display the list of the topics in a forum. Followed by the the creation of the "topic" page which displays its replies.

Oh, don't forget that from now on, I will skip the snippet from whamlet. It's too wordy.

Home (or Index)

Usually, when you visit FluxBB site's index, you will see that there are a few categories and its forums shown. To put simply, FluxBB's index structure is something like this

├── CategoryA
│  ├── [forumA name] [forum desc] [forum topics count] [forum replies count] [etc]
│  ├── ......
│  ├── [forumB name] [forum desc] [forum topics count] [forum replies count] [etc]
├── CategoryB
│  ├── [forumC name] [forum desc] [forum topics count] [forum replies count] [etc]
│  ├── ......
│  ├── [forumD name] [forum desc] [forum topics count] [forum replies count] [etc]

It's a tree! And I want to emulate that. In order to do that, we have should prepare a few things, like the query, logic, and "view" parts.

Let's start with the query part (which is ugly, to be honest).

-- src/DBOp/CRUDCategory.hs
selectCategoriesForIndex = do
  catnameandforums <-
    select $
    from $ \(category, forum) -> do
      where_ (category ^. CategoriesId ==. forum ^. ForumsCategoryId)
      groupBy (category ^. CategoriesName)
        ( category ^. CategoriesName
        , arrayAgg (forum ^. ForumsId)
        , arrayAgg (forum ^. ForumsName)
        , arrayAgg (forum ^. ForumsDescriptions)
        , arrayAgg (forum ^. ForumsTopicsCount)
        , arrayAgg (forum ^. ForumsRepliesCount)
        , arrayAgg (forum ^. ForumsLastPost)
        , arrayAgg (forum ^. ForumsLastPostId)
        , arrayAgg (forum ^. ForumsLastPoster))
  return $
      (\(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i) ->
         ( unValue a
         , unValue b
         , unValue c
         , unValue d
         , unValue e
         , unValue f
         , unValue g
         , unValue h
         , unValue i))

Oh God... You see that multiple arrayAggs and unValue parts? Actually, what we want to select is simple, we just want to select categories and its forums. The limitation is, we can't use arrayAgg for table, but only for columns. It get worsen by the fact I'm not familiar enough with Postgres to efficiently write a query that returns multiple aggregated rows or something like that. So, here we are, we have a function that is too wordy. And that's not all, we have a more shittier version of it on our logic.

-- src/Flux/Home.hs
getCategoriesForIndex = do
  categoriesandforums <- liftHandler $ runDB $ selectCategoriesForIndex
  return $ map anu categoriesandforums
    anu s =
      case s of
        (a, Just b, Just c, Just d, Just e, Just f, Just g, Just h, Just i) ->
          (a, zip8 b c d e f g h i)
        (a, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _) -> (a, [])

You see that zip8 function above? There's no such thing in base because base only has zip thru zip7. That means, we have to create that one by our hand. Although it's not hard, as we can see the source of zip7 in hackage, it's just left a bad taste in my mouth. And I'm starting to doubt my decision to use "tree" above. But whatever, "if it's stupid and it works, it ain't stupid".

Now, let's head to the home handler. Because it's pretty simple, we just have to put the previous function as one of element and display it.

getHomeR = do
  categoriesforindex <- getCategoriesForIndex
  defaultLayout $ do
    setTitle "Home"
    $(widgetFile "home")

That's it, you can see that it actually is not worth mentioning.

Current progress: this commit.

Forums View

To put simply, here's what we usually see in a FluxBB Forum. There are a few information that need to be shown. For example, Forum Name, table (or is it a list?) of topic information, page, etc.

 Index >> Forum Name
 Pages: [1] 2 3 .. n Next                                        [Post New Topic]
 ├── [Subject                  ][ Replies ] [  Views ][               Last Post ]
 ├── [This is a topic          ][    9001 ] [ 200010 ][ 2011-02-24 00:46 by tom ]
 ├── [This is not a topic      ][    6969 ] [ 100000 ][ 2011-02-24 00:42 by cat ]
 ├── [This is perhaps a topic  ][       0 ] [      3 ][                   Empty ]

From that information, at least we need to get data from database

There are a few considerations, though. For example, we won't implement pages for now because of I, embarrassingly, forgot to put that. Sorry. We won't implement new post link either and will use a form at the bottom of the page for the sake of simplicity (or my laziness?).

Well, it's better not to dwell in the past, right?

Forums Business Logic

Yes! We are coming to business logic part of this section! This one is simple. Or we are trying to dumb it down, I don't know.

Writing the Parts

Let's start by defining functions that satisfy the first point of the list above.

allowedToPost = do
  midnamegroup <- getUserAndGrouping
  case midnamegroup of
    Nothing -> permissionDenied "You're not allowed to see this page."
    (Just (uid, name, Banned)) -> permissionDenied "You're banned."
    (Just (uid, name, _)) -> return (uid, name, Administrator)

Practically, the function above mimics what allowedToAdmin does. The only difference is, we swap Administrator with Banned and its information.

Perhaps, when the situation arise, we can refactor functions that has the same behaviour into a more "generic" function. Or composable. Or chainable. Whatever.

After that, we will define the route for the forum and the forum page. Don't forget that we identify forums by it's id, an Int64, so we can take the parameter as #Int64 in mkYesodData.

-- src/Foundation.hs
    -- snip
    /forum/#Int64        ForumR       GET POST
    /forum/#Int64/#Int64 ForumPageR   GET
    -- snip

You see that second /forum? That's for the page. And don't worry about why did we put a POST at the higher line while not the bottom.

So, let's move forward to define getForumR, postForumR, and getForumPageR.

-- src/Handler/Forum.hs

getForumR :: Int64 -> Handler Html
getForumR fid = redirect $ ForumPageR fid 1 -- [1]

getForumPageR :: Int64 -> Int64 -> Handler Html
getForumPageR fid page = do
  forum <- _ (toSqlKey fid) -- [2]
  topics <- _ (toSqlKey fid ) page -- [3]
  (wid, enct) <- generateFormPost _ -- [4]
  defaultLayout $ do
    setTitle "Index"
    $(widgetFile "forum") -- [5]

There are a few marked points above.

  1. Because when one load a forum, what one sees is the first page. Other than that, even when I'm a copy-paster, I hesitate to copy a function that not differ that much.
  2. The first holed function. Based on the result of the left arrow, we can infer that this holed function is a Handler which returns a Forums.
  3. The second holed function. But this time, we expect that this function returns [Topics].
  4. Remember what I have written above about "instead of inside of a link, we will put the form at the bottom of the page"? Yeah, this is what we're going to put at the bottom of the page.
  5. Widget file. I won't say anything, just look at the commit.

Well, because the first and second holed functions are related to business logic, we should head to the src/Flux directory and create a file named Forum.hs there. (I know, I know... I can't be arsed to give them different names.)

-- first holed function.
getForumsInformation fid = do
  forum <- liftHandler $ runDB $ _ fid -- [1]
  case forum of
    [x] -> return x
    _   -> notFound

-- secod holed function.
getTopicsInForum fid page | page < 0 = invalidArgs ["Yo! You can't look at negative value!"]
getTopicsInForum fid page = liftHandler $ runDB $ _ fid page -- [2]

At the holed functions snippet above, there are two other holed functions, we'll talk about it in a moment. But first, we have to talk about the "first holed function"'s return value is an array which is expected to have a single element. Why would we want that function? Isn't there a function from persistent that returns the first record it found (or not)? Well, we're trying to have a consistent style here, my friend. The previous database related functions use select $ from $ etc and I want to continue the trend.

Now, we will continue this section by writing the query for those holed functions above.

selectTopicsByForumIdPage fid page = do
  select $
    from $ \topic -> do
      where_ (topic ^. TopicsForumId ==. val fid)
      offset ((page - 1) * 25)
      limit 25
      return topic

selectForumById fid = do
  select $ from $ \forum -> do
    where_ (forum ^. ForumsId ==. val fid)
    limit 1
    return forum

Those two function should be placed at the holed place at the previous snippet. Both functions are just standard select procedure. Nothing unusual here. And furthermore, I will not put simple snippets anymore. Other than "it's obvious", it also wastes space.

For next part, we will create a form for this hole (wid, enct) <- generateFormPost _. Actually, we want to create a simple "subject" and "content", pretty much like the simple CreateCategoryForm snippet above.

data CreateTopicForm = CreateTopicForm { createTopicFormSubject :: Text , createTopicFormContent :: Textarea}
createTopicForm = renderDivs $ CreateTopicForm <$> areq textField "New Subject" Nothing <*> areq textareaField "Opening Post" Nothing

That's it, Pretty simple. It's just a text field and a text area. And we will put them into their righteous place. Oh, right, don't forget to update src/Application.hs to import Handler.Forum. It will complain about postForumR, though.

So, we will create that handler.

postForumR :: Int64 -> Handler Html
postForumR fid = do
  (uid, name, group) <- allowedToPost -- [1]
  ((res, wid), enct) <- runFormPost createTopicForm -- [2]
  case res of -- [3]
    FormSuccess r -> do
      tid <- _ (toSqlKey fid) uid name (createTopicFormSubject r) (unTextarea $ createTopicFormContent r) -- [4]
      redirect $ ForumR fid -- we will back to it later.
    _ -> invalidArgs ["Come on..."]

Now, we have a handler for POST requests at /forum/fid You see that number one? That's a nice function to filter the banned users from posting. And number two and three? Just the standard procedure for parsing forms. One thing, though. We still have a holed function at number 4 which should be used to create a topic which takes the required input from the context of the POST request.

createTopicByPosting fid userid username subject content = do
  now <- liftIO getCurrentTime
  tid <- liftHandler $ runDB $ _ fid username subject -- [1]
  pid <- liftHandler $ runDB $ _ tid 1 username userid content -- [2]
  return tid

Again, pretty simple function. We will create a Topics first and then feed the return value as one of the input for the Posts creation. Then, we will return the TopicsId so the user can be redirected to the topic which he has created in this process. Again, I won't post the query snippets because it's too straight forward and too long.

Now, when we load [http://localhost:3000/forum/1], we will be greeted by a list of created topics (which is zero, at the moment). Go ahead and create that topic.

This wraps up this section. For the next section, we will create handlers for administering forum. Basically, locking and unlocking topics in a forum. Current progress: this commit

Administering Forum

For a Moderator or an Administrator, from time to time, when the moon is blue enough, he wants to lock an unworthy topic. Or perhaps when he's wondering how could a top tier topic being locked, he will try to make it right, unlock the good shit.

So, when an admin or a mod visits a forum, he will see the list of topic from and their lock status. When a topic is locked, he will see a column that says "it's locked, mate." at the right side of a checkbox. Well, it's not that important how we present the document, I think. Better we go to handler etc.

postForumR fid = do
  (uid, name, group) <- allowedToPost
  lock <- lookupPostParam "lock-topic" -- [1]
  unlock <- lookupPostParam "unlock-topic" -- [1]
  create <- lookupPostParam "create-topic" -- [1]
  topicids <- lookupPostParams "topic-id" -- [2]
  case (lock, unlock, create) of
    (Just _, Nothing, Nothing) -> undefined [3]
    (Nothing, Just _, Nothing) -> undefined [3]
    (Nothing, Nothing, Just _) -> do -- [4]
      -- the previous section.
    _ -> invalidArgs ["🙄 (it's just an excuse to use an emoji.)"]

If you see that number [1], it's just standard check POST parameter with parameter name the quoted string and on the left side of the arrows are the results of the checking. The results have Maybe Text as their datatype, considering that they may or may not be used. But number [2], it's pretty much the same, but expects multiple occurences of the said named parameter. While we didn't modify number [4], we just indent the previous code 2 or 3 tabs because it does what it should do. And surely, we are going to use this marked [3] to lock/unlock the topics, but before that, let's write it first.

Actually, locking and unlocking topics is simple, we just swap the value of topicsIsLocked and that's it. Surely we have to make sure that we don't accidentally lock a topic in a row and only Admins and Mods who can do it.

lockUnlockTopic lock group tid
  | group == Administrator || group == Moderator = do
    topic <- _ . toSqlKey . forceTextToInt64 $ tid
    if (topicsIsLocked $ entityVal topic) == lock
      then invalidArgs ["You can only switch the lock of the topic."]
      else liftHandler $
           runDB $ _ (toSqlKey . forceTextToInt64 $ tid) lock
lockUnlockTopic _ lock _ = permissionDenied "You're not allowed to lock this topic."

That's it. We filter group parameter whenever this function being called. Not only that, by comparing topicsIsLocked with lock, accidentally un/locking topic twice shouldn't be happened. But wait! There's a holed function which returns a topic while we have no such function! No!!!

Okay, don't worry, we will create them in a file named src/Flux/Topic.hs.

getTopicById tid = do
  topics <- liftHandler $ runDB $ selectTopicById tid -- please see selectTopicById in the commit.
  case topics of
    [x] -> return x
    _   -> notFound

Nice and simple! Just like our getForumsInformation!

Now, let's update our postForumR function to reflect the usage of lockUnlockTopic.

postForumR fid = do
  -- snip!!!
  topicids <- lookupPostParams "topic-id"
  case (lock, unlock, create) of
    (Just _, Nothing, Nothing) -> do
      forM_ topicids $ lockUnlockTopic True group -- [1]
      redirect $ ForumR fid
    (Nothing, Just _, Nothing) -> do
      forM_ topicids $ lockUnlockTopic False group -- [2]
      redirect $ ForumR fid

Well, the only difference between [1] and [2] is just the first param. The True one, is being used to lock topic while the False one, to unlock. Because topicids is a list of Text, we should iterate that value and use that iterated value as the parameter for lockUnlockTopic. And why do we use forM_? Because I miss my first year of uni days. Other than that stupid reason, it was caused by the fact lockUnlockTopic is a function that returns HandlerFor site a. Surely we can use forM, but the result will be [()] and we don't want that. We want lockUnlockTopic returns nothing.

So, go ahead! Try to lock and/or unlock things! And for the next part, we are going to play with Topics!

Checkpoint: here.

Topics Business Logic

In this part, we are going to refine our rules above. For example, we can't reply nor load a non-existent topic. There are a few other little things and we will address them in an orderly manner (I'll try).

But first, we will update our routes first to include

-- src/Foundation.hs
  -- skip
  /topic/#Int64        TopicR GET POST
  /topic/#Int64/#Int64 TopicPageR GET

so we can access that route and followed to create a file for those two new routes at src/Handler/Topic.hs. We defined two routes for the this part, and it makes me realise something at the moment of this writing. The developer of Yesod favors REST approach when using this framework, based on his stackoverflow answer. While I personally agree with his stance, I feel conflicted about a few things regarding this matter.

  1. This program's result is intended to be consumed using browsers and their supported methods. Which is only POST and GET.
  2. About path pieces, I dislike url with parameters, to be quite honest. I prefer my urls structured domain/fist/second/third/path with no additional parameters.
  3. In a web application (and especially REST "API") which supports those six methods (or "verbs"), the second point could be easily achieved. Not so much in a web browser, without additional POST parameters or even specialised routes which serve the purpose to accept unsupported methods by common browsers, my second point (or my taste) is basically a stupid thing.

Okay, that's enough for the ramble.

You see, because there are three defined methods from two routes, we have to create their handlers arccordingly. First, we have to create a handler for TopicR GET.

getTopicR tid = redirect $ TopicR tid 1

Why do we use redirection? Because the logic for these function is basically the same.

That's it. And let's see getTopicPageR.

getTopicPageR tid page = do
  (uid, name, group) <- allowedToPost -- [1]
  posts <- _ (toSqlKey tid) page -- [2]
  topic <- getTopicById $ toSqlKey tid -- [3]
  forum <- getForumsInformation . topicsForumId . entityVal $ topic -- [4]
  (wid, enct) <- generateFormPost _ -- [5]_
  defaultLayout $(widgetFile "topic") -- [6]

[1] is just our standard guard. Only the rightful users who could post their replies to topics in our forums. And please wait, actually, [2] and [3] should be swapped. While I did state that we should check the existence of the topic first, I wrote the wrong line at this part commit. Forgive me, my friend, for I am just a human bean. [3] is a holed function where it returns the posts of that topic on a certain page. While we're doing that, we will ask the forum's information to the database on [4]. It's just a poorman's breadcrumb's, you know. Surely we will address it later (or maybe much much later, or even won't ever) about its pros and cons. Then, we are going to create form's widget at [5].

Okay, let's address number five first. Because basically it's just a textarea, we just wrap it like the following.

data PostForm = PostForm { postFormContent :: Textarea } deriving (Show)
postForm :: Form PostForm
postForm = renderDivs $ PostForm <$> areq textareaField "Reply Discussion" Nothing

That's it. Nothing unusual here, let's move along.

The following step is creating the holed function for [2] where we get the posts of the topic. Based on our previous decisions, we should create a file at src/Flux/ with Post.hs as its name.

getPostsInTopic tid page
  | page < 1 = invalidArgs ["Have you seen something page 0 before?"] -- [1]
  | otherwise = liftHandler $ runDB $ _ tid page -- [2]

You see the number [1]? That's right. No one should be able to see pages under 1. But when the page is more than or equals to 1, we will serve them. But there's a holed function! We should create it first! What should we get? Posts! Where should we define how to get it? At src/DBOp/Post.hs! What are the parameters? Topic id and and page! Great! It's just a simple query, my friend. Don't worry, no choice for them. We will include them in the commit. And here we are. We've finished this part.

Checkpoint: here

Amended by: this

Post, I Guess

I don't know if this part deserves a section of its own or not. But whatever, let's start by defining what can we do on a post.

Editing a Post

As I've written above, only its poster and/or a Mod/Admin who could edit a post. Then, when a user wants to edit his post, the program should

  1. Get his post, which implies checking the post's existence.
  2. If the post in question doesn't exist, the program should throw a 404 error.
  3. Otherwise, this program will fetch the post and its related information.
  4. Then serve it in a textarea.

Therefore, the handler could be written as the following.

getPostEditR pid = do
  (uid, name, group) <- allowedToPost
  (Value fname, Value fid, Value tsub, (Entity pid' (Posts tid num name' uid' t content))) <- _ $ toSqlKey pid -- [1]
  (wid, enct) <- generateFormPost $ editPostForm content -- [2]
  defaultLayout $ do
    $(widgetFile "post")

[1] above is the holed function that should return forumsName, forumsId, topicsSubject, and Entity Post. Why do we use that? It's related to breadcrumb, my friend. You can see the structure of the breadcrumb's html at the commit below. Anyway, [2] is just standard form generation. But it takes content from the retrieved post above. Well, you can't edit a post when you don't have the original content, amirite?

Okay, let's write that holed function.

getPostParentInformation pid = do
  postandparent <- liftHandler $ runDB $ _ pid -- [1]
  case postandparent of
    []  -> notFound
    x:_ -> return x

You see, the problem is the holed function [1]. Basically we only have to take a row from SQL query and then return it. Although the query itself is just a standard SELECT query, I'm feeling eager to put it in the snippet below.

selectPostAndItsParentsInfo pid = do
  select $
    from $ \(post `InnerJoin` topic `InnerJoin` forum) -> do
      on (forum ^. ForumsId ==. topic ^. TopicsForumId)
      on (topic ^. TopicsId ==. post ^. PostsTopicId)
      where_ (post ^. PostsId ==. val pid)
      limit 1
        ( forum ^. ForumsName
        , forum ^. ForumsId
        , topic ^. TopicsSubject
        , post)

You see, we are joining tables! The query above could be translated to

       posts.topic_id, posts.number,
       posts.username, posts.user_id,
       posts.time, posts.content
  from posts inner join topics
  on = posts.topic_id
    inner join forums
    on = topics.forum_id
    where = ?

I will just assume that you're much more capable of reading SQL query than my poor self. Now, because we have completed the required parts from [1] holed function of getPostEditR function. So, let's editPostForm and its datatype.

data EditPostForm = EditPostForm { editPostFormContent :: Textarea } deriving (Show)
editPostForm :: Text -> Form EditPostForm
editPostForm content = renderDivs $ EditPostForm <$> areq textareaField "Post's Content" (Just content)

Standard form, as usual. And that's it, we have completed this GET section for /post/#pid/edit route.

Now, POST handler for /post/#pid/edit, basically the program just have to:

  1. Again, get the post in question.
  2. Use the retrieved post as the "seed" for the widget. lol, seed.
  3. Check the result of form parsing.
  4. Update the post.

So, let's make it into a reality!

postPostEditR pid = do
  (uid, name, group) <- allowedToPost
  post <- getPostById $ toSqlKey pid
  ((res, _), _) <- runFormPost . editPostForm . postsContent . entityVal $ post
  case res of
    FormSuccess c -> do
      _ -- [1]
        uid -- Key Users
        group -- Grouping
        (toSqlKey pid ) -- Key Posts
        (postsUserId $ entityVal post) -- Key Users
        (unTextarea $ editPostFormContent c) -- Text
      redirect $ PostR pid
    _ -> invalidArgs ["Come on..."]

Sure, there is a holed function there with a fuckton of parameters. Well, it's actually to ease our things, man.

editPostByUidGroupAndContent _ group pid _ content
  | group == Administrator || group == Moderator =
    liftHandler $ runDB $ _ pid content -- [1]
editPostByUidGroupAndContent _ Banned _ _ _ =
  permissionDenied "Bruh... You've been banned. Please..."
editPostByUidGroupAndContent uid _ pid uid' content
  | uid /= uid' = permissionDenied "You're not allowed to edit this post."
  | otherwise = liftHandler $ runDB $ _ pid content -- [1]

You see that snippet function above? Yeah, we "filter" the parameters to satisfy our requirements. For example, mods and admins can modify any post they want. (I hate it, though) Banned users, although it should be impossible to reach this point, they should be kept away from accessing database or something. And then, when the first and fourth parameters is the same, which means that the editor and the author of the post is the same dude, we will let them edit the post. Yeah, let's ignore the holed function there. It's just a standard update query which you can look at the commit below.

Post as "Anchor"

Yeah, I don't know how should I call it. In FluxBB, we can just click a link at the "Last post" and then get redirected to the corresponding post. I guess the implementation is something like this.

getPostR pid = do
  (uid, name, group) <- allowedToPost
  (Entity _ (Posts tid num _ _ _ _)) <- getPostById $ toSqlKey pid
  let page = floor $ (toRational num - 1) / 25 + 1 :: Int64
  redirect $ TopicPageR (fromSqlKey tid) page :#: ("post-" <> show num)

We just get the post itself to get the post number and topic id of where that post belongs to. Well, the final result is we just redirect the request to the corresponding topic on a certain page, specifically.

I guess that's it. I can't think any other kind of action one could do on a post.

Checkpoint: here

Users Administration

In this section, we strive to create a thriving forum with a lot of users. But we can't have users if we don't have any conventient means to let them in. And when we have a handful of users, there will be a lot of shitty dudes on the internet who deserve to be banned from our nice forum. There are also nice dudes (not that "nice") who help other member who are in needs, perhaps they can do much more if we give them better tools by making them Mod or even Administrator.


Until now, we only use a single user, Administrator without any other user. I'm pretty sure you don't want to talk to a wall, correct? So let's start by creating a handler for this thing in src/Profile.hs (and rename it to User.hs, it's more fitting, I guess).

getRegisterR :: Handler Html
getRegisterR = do
  _ -- [1]
  (wid, enct) <- generateFormPost _ -- [2]
  defaultLayout $(widgetFile "register") -- Please look at the commit at the end of this section.

First, we have to guard this part so nobody is currently loggedin can access this part of site. Then, we just generate the form. Simple.

Let's head to Foundation and define a function that fits [1]

isNotLoggedIn = do
  maut <- maybeAuth
  case maut of
    Nothing -> return ()
    Just _  -> redirect $ HomeR

That's it. If there's no session associated with the request, we can safely ignore the result. But, if there's a session on his name, we will make them go HomeR.

Now, for the second holed function of getRegisterR, we can just simply define it as

data RegisterForm = RegisterForm
  { registerFormUsername :: Text
  , registerFormPassword :: Text
  , registerFormEmail    :: Text
  } deriving (Show)

registerForm :: Form RegisterForm
registerForm =
  renderDivs $ RegisterForm
  <$> areq textField "Username" Nothing
  <*> areq passwordField "Password" Nothing
  <*> areq emailField "Email" Nothing

I know, I know, there's a section about password confirmation field on "Forms" chapter in yesod-book. I'm just lazy to do that. And now, we have a nice and simple registration form for our to-be-users.

Let's continue by writing its POST counterpart.

postRegisterR = do
  ((res, wid), enct) <- runFormPost registerForm
  case res of
    FormSuccess r -> do
      _ <- _ (registerFormUsername r) (registerFormPassword r) (registerFormEmail r)
      --   ^ [1]
      redirect HomeR
    _ ->
        [ "Your input doesn't contribute sufficiently" , " for this capitalistic society. Think about it."]

It's even simpler, actually. We just "extract" the value of the form, and then check the parsed result, then insert the data to our database.

When this program has to process a registration, it should

  1. Check the username and email, because we don't want to have a non-unique user, correct?
  2. When the username and/or email already exist in the database, it should throw an error (or whatever HTTP code.)
  3. Otherwise, get Key for Grouping. A new user should only be a normal Member.
  4. It should hash the password
  5. And then save it to the database.

That's pretty simple, correct? Let's head to src/Flux/Profile.hs and rename it into src/Flux/User.hs. It's a fitting name, you know.

registerUser username password email = do
  _ username email -- [1]
  now <- liftIO getCurrentTime
  gids <- liftHandler $ runDB $ _ Member -- [2]
  case gids of
    [] -> invalidArgs ["Call the Administrator"]
    x:_ -> do
      password' <- liftIO $ makePassword (encodeUtf8 password) 17
      liftHandler $ runDB $ _ (entityKey x) username (Just $ decodeUtf8 password') email now -- [3]

Just like the step number one, we should use [1] to check the "uniqueness" of the username and email. And then [2] should find the Key for Member. While [3] is the function that responsible for inserting the new user's data.

Okay, we should create a function for [1] in the same file.

unusedUser username email = do
  users <- liftHandler $ runDB $ selectUserByUsernameOrEmail username email
  case users of
    [] -> return ()
    _ -> invalidArgs ["Username and/or email has been used."]

You see, we just throw an invalid args error when selectUserByUsernameOrEmail returns non-empty list. The query itself is simple, actually. Even, holed function [2] and [3] at registerUser are just simple queries too. So I won't include it here.

Anyway, we have completed the handlers for user registration. So, we just simply include the route to our route definitons at Foundation module. And then replace import Handler.Profile with import Handler.User.

User's Page

After user's registration, we want to see his profile, right? That's simple, we just create the route for it and its handler.

getUserR uid = do
  (ruid, name, group) <- allowedToPost
  (Entity uid' user ) <- getUserById $ toSqlKey uid
  defaultLayout $(widgetFile "profile")

That's it!

Current: commit

PS: I did fuck up, buddy. Since this commit, it always returns Administrator as the third value of the returned triple. And the latest commit fixed it.


You know, after we have a few registered users, we have a few users. From time to time, a rude dude will appear and throw his tantrum. We could talk him to senses or just slam that m.f. ban hammer. If we're in a bad mood, we surely will need that hammer. So, let's create it.

But firstly, I prefer to keep a bit like FluxBB when it comes to ban maintenance. The ban administration page should show a form of username which will be used for the next step of ban procedure. It should also shows a table of the currently banned dudes.

Other than that, only Administrator and Moderator who should be capable of banning people while they're immune of ban hammer themselves. Not only that, an already Banned user could not be banned anymore. The story's a bit different if their ban hammer has been lifted and they're a normal Member. Pretty simple, right?

What should we do? Of course, the first step is to create the route and put it in src/Foundation.hs and then create the handler module which goes to src/Handler/Adm/Ban.hs.

getAdmBanR :: Handler Html
getAdmBanR = do
  (uid, name, gruop) <- _ -- [1]
  (wid, enct) <- generateFormPost _ -- [2]
  bans <- _ -- [3]
  let banneds = map (\(Value uid, b, Value ename) -> (uid, b, ename)) bans
  defaultLayout $(widgetFile "adm-ban")

Surely [1] is how we "filter" the request so only the rightful group could access this part. Oh yeah, I just simplified that part.

allowedToPost = do
  muidnamegroup <- getUserAndGrouping
  case muid of
    Nothing -> permissionDenied
    (Just (uid, name, Banned)) -> permissionDenied "You're banned"
    (Just (uid, name, group)) -> return (uid, name, group)

allowedToMod = do
  (uid, name, group) <- allowedToPost
  case group of
    x | x == Administrator || x == Moderator -> return (uid, name, group)
    otherwise -> permissionDenied "You are not allowed to moderate this page"

allowedToAdmin = do
  (uid, name, group) <- allowedToMod
  case group of
    Administrator -> return (uid, name, group)
    _ -> permissionDenied "You are not allowed to administer this page"

See that beauty? No, I still see a repetitive pattern, if I may say. But at least, those functions reuse themselves. And yes allowedToMod could be plugged to [1] in getAdmBanR.

And the next part, for the [2], let's skip that because it just a form with a single text field. But [3], deserves a bit of attentions. Although it only shows the banneds, it should only shows the rows which it's still_in_effect value equals to True. But that's it. Other than that, this part doesn't have much weird things.

Now, I did said about procedure of banning user. After we put the name of the victim of ban hammer, we should create another form for the reasons and few other.

data BanUserOptionsForm = BanUserOptionsForm
  { banUserOptionsFormUsername :: Text
  , banUserOptionsFormIp       ::Maybe Text
  , banUserOptionsFormMessage  ::Maybe Textarea

banUserOptionsForm username =
  renderDivs $ BanUserOptionsForm
  <$> areq textField "Username" (Just username)
  <*> aopt textField "IP" Nothing
  <*> aopt textareaField "Message" Nothing

You see that username parameter there? We are going to use that from [2] form in getAdmBanR. Surely, we should create a handler to put BanUserOptionsForm, right? We will create that and make it to only receive POST request.

postAdmBanOptionsR = do
  (uid, name, group) <- allowedToMod
  ((res, _), _) <- runFormPost banUserForm
  case res of
    FormSuccess r -> do
      (wid, enct) <-
        generateFormPost . banUserOptionsForm . banUserFormUsername $ r
      defaultLayout $(widgetFile "adm-ban-options")
    _ -> invalidArgs ["Fill your input correctly."]

Nothing particularly interesting here. But make sure to see adm-ban-options.hamlet in templates directory of this project because the previous handler will throw a POST request to AdmBanR. Obviously, we are going to (ab)use POST params here. Not only AdmBanR will receive POST request from AdmBanOptionsR but also from AdmBanR itself in case of lifting the ban hammer.

Let's create POST handler for AdmBanR.

postAdmBanR = do
  (uid, name, group) <- allowedToMod
  names <- lookupPostParams "username" -- [a]
  ban <- lookupPostParam "ban" -- [b]
  case (names, ban) of
    ([], Nothing) -> invalidArgs ["Make up your mind!"]
    ([], Just _) -> do
      ((res, _), _) <- runFormPost $ banUserOptionsForm "x" -- [1]
      case res of
        FormSuccess r -> do
          _ uid name group (banUserOptionsFormUsername r) (banUserOptionsFormIp r) (unTextarea <$> banUserOptionsFormMessage r)
       -- ^ [2]
          redirect $ AdmBanR
        _ -> invalidArgs ["Your input is not correct."]
    (xs, Just _) -> invalidArgs ["Make up your mind!"]
    (xs, Nothing) -> do
      _ uid name group -- [3]
      redirect AdmBanR

It's pretty hectic, I know. That [a] marked function above was designed to receive a list of value with name parameter of username while [b] marked function will decide what the program should do when it receives a POST request with ban as one of its parameters. Do you know why did we put an "x" at that [1] marked function? Actually, we can put any string there because "it's just a default value". So, as long as the input from Administrator or Moderator is valid (lol, they're never), the program won't use "x". Then, [2] marked function, in where we should slam the m.f. ban hammer. I decided to let this function to take 5 (FIVE!!!) parameters because we have a lot of things going on here. Don't worry we will talk about it in a minute. For the [3] marked function, it is where we lift the ban hammer for those who appeal.

Okay, let's create the business process of banning user.

banUser execid execname execgroup username ip message = do
  gusername <- liftHandler $ runDB $ selectGroupByUsername username -- [1]
  case gusername of
    [] -> invalidArgs ["There's no user named " <> username] -- [2]
    x:_ -> do
      let (uid, gid, group) = (\(Value u, Value gi, Value g) -> (u, gi, g)) x
      case (_ execgroup group, execid == uid) of -- [3]
        (Right _, False) -> do
          liftHandler $ runDB $ do
            updateUserGroupingByUsername username Banned -- [4]
            insertBan username ip message execid -- [5]
        (Right _, True)  -> invalidArgs ["You cannot ban yourself."]
        (Left x, _)      -> invalidArgs [x]

Don't worry about query function selectGroupByUsername which was marked by [1] above. It just gets UsersId, GroupsId, and its Grouping of the user in question. Because the result of [1] is like any other standard esqueleto queries, it returns a list. So, when the list is empty, surely we don't have a user who has name which equals to username parameter above and we shall throw an error about the non-existence of a user with that name. And that's the reasoning of marker [2]

Okay, mark number [3] deserves a simple explanation and snippet.

banResult Administrator Administrator = Left "Cannot ban an Admin"
banResult Administrator Moderator     = Left "Cannot ban a Mod"
banResult Administrator Member        = Right ()
banResult Administrator Banned        = Left "Cannot ban an already banned user."
-- skipped the rest.

Of course we should not be able to throw ban hammer to admin and mods. But when it comes to normal member, we should let them ban that poor user. Though we can't make an already banned user get banned.

So, let's continue with [4] and [5]. Truth to be told, they're just simple update and insert queries. I'll spare your sight from those simple functions.

That's it and we're good to ban, assuming you've updated your Foundation and Application tho.

The next part is lifting the ban hammer. Because [b] marked function at postAdmBanR returns a list, we shall use function forM_ in our function so it will look like this. forM_ names $ _ uid name group but don't forget. name and group came from allowedToMod. So those are the name and group of the requester.

For business thingy of this part, I guess it's pretty much the same with banUser above.

unbanUser execid execname execgroup username = do
  gusernames <- liftHandler $ runDB $ selectGroupByUsername username -- [1]
  case gusernames of
    [] -> invalidArgs ["There's no user named " <> username] -- [2]
    x:_ -> do
      let (uid, gid, group) = (\(Value u, Value gi, Value g) -> (u, gi, g)) x -- [33
      case (_ execgroup group, execid == uid) of -- [4]
        (Right _, False) -> do
          liftHandler $ runDB $ do
            updateUserGroupingByUsername username Member -- [5]
            updateBan username Nothing Nothing execid False -- [6]
        (Right _, True)  -> invalidArgs ["You cannot unban yourself."]
        (Left x, _)      -> invalidArgs [x]

See that? We only changed 3 things! Function marked by [4], value of the second function [5], and False for the function [6]! Let's show the snippet for function which was marked by [4]

unbanResult Administrator Banned = Right ()
unbanResult Moderator Banned     = Right ()
unbanResult Administrator _      = Left "Cannot unban non-banned"
unbanResult Moderator _          = Left "Cannot unban non-banned"
unbanResult _ _                  = Left "You have no right to do so."

Much simpler! Only banned that can be unbanned. And the rest can cry at the corner.

And I guess we've finished this part. Don't forget to check the commit below. I've changed a few things.

Checkpoint: commit

I've sneakily modified the layouts in this commit and this

Promote and Ban

Now, let's talk about promotion and banning dudes. You see, when we want to promote or demoting users, we should pick them first, correct? And when you want to pick them, you will need some criterias and a place you submit the criterias at, won't you? Great! Now we're on the same page. We should create the route, handler, and their miscellania first.

getAdmUserR :: Handler Html
getAdmUserR = do
  (uid, name, group) <- allowedToMod
  groups <- _ -- [1]
  (wid, enct) <- generateFormPost $ _ groups -- [2]
  let users = []
  adminLayout uid name group $ do
    setTitle "Manage Users"
    $(widgetFile "adm-user")

Of course we use allowedToMod guard in this route. We don't want a random user banning people as they wish, do we? Then, we shall get the existing groups using function marked by [1]. No worries, it's just a standard select. But when you ask me why do we need that? Remember about before? Where we talk about picking certain users first? Grouping is one of those criterias. There could be a scenario where we want to demote a stupid mod or something like that, correct? And surely we will use groups as the "seed" for the form we should create. Though the form itself is nothing interesting. It just wraps :

Yeah, that's it. We won't be needing a lot of criterias like what FluxBB does. Oh yeah, we are our new custom layout for administration hereon.

What's next? We need to create a place where we receive the criterias and then pass it to another part to process it.

postAdmUserR :: Handler Html
postAdmUserR = do
  (uid, name, group) <- allowedToMod
  groups <- getAllGroups -- [1]
  ((res, wid), enct) <- runFormPost $ searchUserForm groups
  let (mgid, musername, memail) =
        case res of
          FormSuccess r ->
            ( toSqlKey <$> searchUserFormGroupId r
            , searchUserFormUsername r
            , searchUserFormEmail r)
          _ -> (Nothing, Nothing, Nothing)
  users <- _ mgid musername memail -- [2]
  adminLayout uid name group $ do
    setTitle "Users"
    $(widgetFile "adm-user")

If you ask why do we receive those search criterias at the same route / handler, because I just feel like it. Again, I'm conflicted with url cleanliness, rest interface thingy, and yesod's routes. Okay, what we have here? Function marked by [1] is the same marked function of getAdmUserR. Nothing special. And about form parsing (or something like that), it's just our normal parsing. But the difference here is we won't care any invalid criterias and just return a triple of Nothing. Sure, it's a bad thing considering "best practices". Truly, the spirit is ready but the flesh is weak.

Anyway, function which was marked by [2] above, is where we process the picking process and then display the result. Pretty simple, correct? So, it's obvious that we are going to create that function at src/Flux/User.hs (bad choice, I know).

getUsersByConditions mgid musername memail = do
  userandgroup <-
    liftHandler $ runDB $ _ mgid musername memail -- [1]
  return $ map (\(user, Value group) -> (user, group)) userandgroup

Yeah, standard query transformation of ReaderT to Handler. But the nice thing is what I've marked by [1]. Look at the following snippet from src/DBOp/User.hs!

selectUsersByConditions mgid musername memail = do
  select $
    from $ \(user, group) -> do
        (    qbuilder user UsersGroupId mgid
         &&. qbuilder user UsersUsername musername
         &&. qbuilder user UsersEmail memail
         &&. user ^. UsersGroupId ==. group ^. GroupsId)
      orderBy [asc (user ^. UsersUsername)]
      return (user, group ^. GroupsGrouping)
    qbuilder _ _ Nothing = (val True)
    qbuilder user accessor (Just v) = (user ^. accessor ==. val v)

You see that qbuilder function? I feel so proud when I came up with that kind of solution, to be quite honest. Though actually I just substitute a Nothing data with a True and otherwise use the value in Just a to get the comparison of a and the field. Which in turn we can chain compare any Maybe input with NOT NULL collumn.

Now, we have all the needed parts for searching a specific group of users. And here's the checkpoint search and display: commit

Now, we have something like this pic alt text

Now we have should use those two button to demote or promote users. It's a great choice to ban those dudes first.

In FluxBB, the step to mass ban is something like this.

  1. Select the users.
  2. Press that "Ban" button.
  3. Write the messages why do we ban them.
  4. Execute.
  5. ???
  6. Mass banned!

Okay, pretty simple, right?

Let's the form and its handler. And yes, I assume you have decided the route by yourself. No, I won't show the snippet. Anyway, here's the handler.

postAdmUserPromoteR = do
  promote <- lookupPostParam "promote" -- [1]
  userids <- lookupPostParams "user-id" -- [1]
  case promote of
    Just "ban" -> do
      (uid, name, group) <- allowedToMod -- [2]
      (wid, enct) <-
        generateFormPost $ _ $ intercalate "," userids -- [3]
      adminLayout uid name group $ do
        setTitle "Promote"
        $(widgetFile "adm-user-promote")
    _ -> invalidArgs ["What do you want to do with the users?"] -- [4]

The lines marked by [1] above are just to get the params. We've talked about them a few pages above. And why do we use allowedToMod at [2]? Because mods could also ban people, not just admins. For the holed function marked by [3], we are going to create a simple form with a hidden field. Don't worry about [4], we're going to address it later.

data BanUsersOptionsForm = BanUsersOptionsForm { banUsersOptionsFormMessessage :: Maybe Text , banUsersOptionsFormIds :: Text}

banUsersOptionsForm :: Text -> Form BanUsersOptionsForm
banUsersOptionsForm userid = renderDivs $ BanUsersOptionsForm
  <$> aopt textField "Message" Nothing
  <*> areq hiddenField "" (Just userid) -- [1]

That [1] is where we hide our victims' id. I mean, we are just passing their id for the next phase but we don't actually want to watch them.

For example, we have a request body like the following:


And this handler should only show us this markup:

alt text

I hope you are getting what I mean.

Okay, the next part is where we actually do the banning. In this case, we should create another handler to parse the form with "ban message" and hidden "user-id".

postAdmUserPromoteExeR = do
  promote <- lookupPostParam "promote"
  case promote of
    Nothing -> invalidArgs ["No promote param."]
    Just "ban" -> do
      (uid, name, group) <- allowedToMod -- [1]
      ((res, wid), enct) <- runFormPost $ banUsersOptionsForm "" -- [2]
      case res of
        FormSuccess r -> do
          let (mes, userids) = ( banUsersOptionsFormMessessage r , map forceTextToInt64 $ splitOn "," $ banUsersOptionsFormIds r)
          forM_ userids $ \userid -> _ uid name group (toSqlKey userid) Nothing mes -- [3]
          redirect $ AdmUserR
    Just "change" -> do
      error "Change"
    _ -> invalidArgs ["Can't understand that."]

Again, only mod and admin who can ban users, so we put allowedToMod at that [1]. And why do we use an empty string as default value at [2]? Surely because we don't want randomly ban people in case of we fail to parse a request. And then the main part of this snippet is the holed function which was marked by [3]. That line iterates the victims' userids and then pass them for the next banning process.

Let's write that function.

banUserById execid execname execgroup userid ip message = do
  [user] <- liftHandler $ runDB $ selectUserById userid -- [1]
  banUser execid execname execgroup (usersUsername $ entityVal user) ip message

Yeah, I didn't forget that we already had written a similar function to ban them. We just make sure that the passed user id does indeed exist on[1]. Then, we just call banUser to finish the deed.

Checkpoint ban: commit

After finishing the ban hammer part, we are going to create the promotion part. At the same handler, we are going to add a few minor changes. For example, at postAdmUserPromoteR we will add a few lines. But before that, we should know that in FluxBB, only admin who can promote users. But, even admin could only promote (or demote them) from normal member to moderator vice versa. Surely there will be a few differences in places, but that doesn't really matter, I guess.

Okay, let's modify postAdmUserPromoteR.

postAdmUserPromoteR = do
  -- snip
  case promote of
    Just "ban" -> do
      -- snip
    Just "change" -> do
      (uid, name, group) <- allowedToAdmin
      let ban = False
      mo <- _ Moderator -- [1]
      me <- _ Member -- [1]
      (wid, enct) <- generateFormPost $ promoteUserForm [mo, me] $ intercalate "," userids -- [2]
      adminLayout uid name group $ do
        setTitle "Promote"
        $(widgetFile "adm-user-promote")

We should get the appropriate group for promotion (or demotion), so we are placing those [1] for it. Actually, [1] is pretty simple. It just select the group from database, nothing more and nothing less. Also, there's a form for promotion which doesn't differ much from BanUsersOptionsForm where we hide a few things from users. Another difference is we supply that form with a list of Groups for the sake of the promotion.

After we modified postAdmUserPromoteR, we should also modify postAdmUserPromoteExeR. Remember that we have to make sure the process of promotion doesn't go awry.

postAdmUserPromoteExeR = do
  promote <- lookupPostParam "promote"
  case promot
    -- snip
    Just "promote" -> do
      (uid, name, group) <- allowedToAdmin -- [1]
      mo <- getGroup Moderator
      me <- getGroup Member
      -- ^ [2]
      ((res, _), _) <- runFormPost $ promoteUsersForm [mo, me] ""
      -- ^ [3]
      case res of
        FormSuccess r -> do
          let (gid, userids) = (promoteUsersFormGroupId r , map forceTextToInt64 $ splitOn "," $ promoteUsersFormUserIds r)
          -- ^ [4]
          forM_ userids $ \userid -> _ uid name group (toSqlKey userid) (toSqlKey gid)
          -- ^ [5]
          redirect AdmUserR
        _ -> invalidArgs ["Please..."]

We use allowedToAdmin at [1] just to make sure that only admin could promote users. Same goes as [2], we only make sure that only allowed Groups are appearing in this part. I mean, we don't want user sending administrator's id, right? FluxBB devs say that it posesses security risk or something like that. And for [3], we use an empty string for the default value for the second param (where user-ids being placed at) because where do we know the value of the sent requests? So it's better to leave them empty. And when the user's requests comply our form, we will process that at [4]. Nothing really interesting here. The second tuple is the result of a forced string of comma-separated integers being tranformed back to list of integers. God. What a weird sentence!

The actual working part is the function which was marked by [5]. It iterates userids and then pass them to the holed function at the right side of the right arrow.

Now, let's create a function that fill that hole.

-- src/Flux/Adm/User.hs
promoteUser execid execname execgroup targetid targetgroupid = do
  guardUser execid targetid -- [1]
  guardGroup execgroup -- [2]
  enttargetuser <- getUserById targetid -- [3]
  enttargetgroup <- getGroupById targetgroupid -- [3]
  let username = usersUsername $ entityVal enttargetuser -- [4]
      group = groupsGrouping $ entityVal enttargetgroup -- [4]
  liftHandler . runDB $ do
    updateUserGroupingByUsername username Member -- [5]
    updateBan username Nothing Nothing execid False -- [5]
    updateUserGroupingByUsername username group -- [6]
    guardUser xid tid = -- [1]
      if xid /= tid
        then return ()
        else invalidArgs ["Cannot promote or demote yourself."]
    guardGroup Administrator = return () -- [2]
    guardGroup _ = invalidArgs ["Only admin allowed to promote."]

To be honest, the function at the snippet above deserves a few explanations based on their marks.

  1. We don't want an admin demote himself. If we let him do that, there could be a forum where there's no admin. Chaos will surely ensue.
  2. Again, we should make sure that only a user in Administrator group allowed to modify user's group. See point 1.
  3. I can assure you. Those function only get their respective entities. Nothing more, nothing less.
  4. Here, we get the entity's field. or column. or name.
  5. Remember when I talked about a few differences in promoting/demoting users? Here's the difference. In FluxBB, we couldn't promote / demote banned users. Here, we will let them being promoted.
  6. It's where we actually change the group of the user. Whether the user's group being changed to Banned, Member, or even Moderator, we change it here.

And that's it. It concludes this section.

Commit promote: commit


Let's be honest, we are going to absolutely have conflicts when a lot of people gather in a single place. In this case, the problems will arise from the forum posts. So, we should accomodate the needs for complaints reports.

Usually, the flow of the reporting post is like the following.

  1. User sees a troubling post.
  2. User click report link.
  3. User fill the reports.
  4. Admin/Mod load the report page.
  5. Admin/Mod check the reported post.
  6. Admin/Mod do whatever they want with the post in question.
  7. Admin/Mod zap that report.

Okay, let's start by creating handler for reporting.

-- src/Handler/Post.hs
getPostReportR pid = do
  (uid, name, group) <- allowedToPost
  (Value fname, Value fid, Value tsub, (Entity pid' (Posts tid num name' uid' t content))) <- getPostParentInformation $ toSqlKey pid
  (wid, enct) <- generateFormPost reportPostForm
  defaultLayout $ do
    setTitle "Reports"
    $(widgetFile "post-report")

You see, it's just standard GET handler, Posts information retrieval, and normal form rendering. Even reportPostForm itself is just a rendered Form with a single textarea input.

That GET handler will be followed by writing its POST handler equivalent.

postPostReportR pid = do
  (uid, name, group) <- allowedToPost
  (Value fname, Value fid, Value tsub, (Entity pid' (Posts tid num name' uid' t content))) <- getPostParentInformation $ toSqlKey pid
  ((res, wid), enct) <- runFormPost reportPostForm
  case res of
    FormSuccess r -> do
      _ pid' tid fid uid (unTextarea $ reportPostFormComplaint r) -- [1]
      redirect $ PostR pid
    _ -> invalidArgs ["Please report correctly."]

Still our usual POST handler. The only difference here is just that we should insert the Reports into database. Let's write it.

createReport pid tid fid uid message = do
  now <- liftIO getCurrentTime
  liftHandler $ runDB $ _ pid tid fid uid now message Nothing Nothing -- [1]

Again and again, that [1] function, it's just a standard insert operation. I will spare wasting your time by skipping writing that holed function in this article.

That's it! We have finished report feature. Also, don't forget to update topic.hamlet to link to ReportR.

Commit report handler: commit

Surely, we won't let admin and mods wondering where to access those precious reports, will we? Therefore, we should create the desired path to administer that reports.

In FluxBB, admins and mods are allowed to see the latest reports and the "zapped" reports (whatever that means) at the Reports Management page. Not only we can see what are the reports are, but also we can see who has created them, etc. You get the gist.

So, firstly we should create that handler.

-- src/Handler/Adm/Report.hs
getAdmReportR = do
  (uid, name, group) <- allowedToMod
  unzappedreports <- _ -- [1]
  zappedreports <- _ -- [2]
  adminLayout uid name group $ do
    setTitle "Reports Management"
    $(widgetFile "adm-report")

Of course we are using allowedToMod guard, for the ones who are allowed to see the reports just mods and admins. Then, we should create two functions which retrieve the needed reports.

-- src/Flux/Adm/Report.hs
getAllUnzappedReports = do
  reports <- liftHandler $ runDB $ _ -- [1]
  return $ map (\(x, Value a, Value b, Value c) -> (x, a, b, c)) reports

getAllZappedReports = do
  -- snip [2]

Those two functions above practically the same. The only difference is the first one doesn't return the mods/admins who "zapped" the reports. Even their queries don't differ that much.

Let me show you one of them.

selectReportsZappedInfo = do
  select $ from $ \(report, user, topic, forum, user') -> do
      (report ^. ReportsReportedBy ==. user ^. UsersId
        &&. report ^. ReportsForumId ==. forum ^. ForumsId
        &&. report ^. ReportsTopicId ==. topic ^. TopicsId
        &&. report ^. ReportsZappedBy ==. just (user' ^. UsersId))
    orderBy [desc (report ^. ReportsZapped)]
      (report , user ^. UsersUsername , forum ^. ForumsName , topic ^. TopicsSubject , user' ^. UsersUsername)

That's it. We just select from reports, users, topic, forums, and users tables to get the required data for AdmReport page.

Now, when you load the route to the AdmReport, you will see reports from users. Oh, don't forget that the mods/admins are capable of editing the posts themselves. So, after we can response to that reports, it left us with "how to mark them as 'zapped'". Of course, we should start by creating POST handler for that.

postAdmReportR = do
  (uid, name, group) <- allowedToMod
  reportids <- lookupPostParams "report-id"
  _ uid reportids -- [1]
  redirect AdmReportR

Yeah, it's pretty simple, too fricking simple, actually. Even the holed function which was marked by [1] also simple. Here

readReports uid reportids = do
  liftHandler $ runDB $ do
    let x = map readMay reportids :: [Maybe Int64]
        y = map (toSqlKey <$>) x :: [(Maybe (Key Reports))]
    forM_ y $ \z -> do
      case z of
        Nothing -> return ()
        Just x -> updateReportZap uid x

Yeah, we just map [Text] into [Maybe Int64] and then map them into [(Maybe (Key Reports))] And when the transformed report id returns Nothing, we will just return a unit. Yes, even updateReportZap only update reports table to make them "zapped."

And that's it! We finished this part!

Commit report admin: commit

User Information

I don't know, man. Why would one want to know what is a dude what up to in the internet? That sounds like what a stalker do, doesn't it? But whatever, it's okay, "you do you" like the wise usually says.

Searching Users

Well, you know, from time to time, we surely want to know about user's information who has ignited our passionate interests when we're doing our stuff in this forum. So, it's only normal to have a feature to search users, isn't it?

Let's start by writing the handler first.

-- src/Handler/User.hs
getUserListR = do
  (uid, name, group) <- allowedToPost -- [1]
  let users = [] :: [(Grouping, Entity Users)] -- [2]
  ad <- getGroup Administrator -- [3]
  mo <- getGroup Moderator -- [3]
  me <- getGroup Member -- [3]
  (wid, enct) <- generateFormPost $ _ [ad, mo, me] -- [4]
  defaultLayout $ do
    setTitle "User List"
    $(widgetFile "user-list")

Of course we are using our beloved guard, allowedToPost, here! It "flatten" our function's structure! No need case or anything else! Neat! And why do we need that empty list at [2]? Because we are going to use that in our template. And because they're empty, we won't have to worry about needless queries. Though we will use that at [3] for our search form because we're just an incomplete immitation of FluxBB. And for the holed function which was marked by [4], that's the form we're using. And let's write that form.

data SearchUserForm = SearchUserForm
  { searchUserFormUsername  :: Maybe Text
  , searchUserFormGroup     :: Maybe Int64
  , searchUserFormSortBy    :: SortBy
  , searchUserFormAscending :: Bool

Look, that's what FluxBB's search form look like. We have a field of nullable username, nullable group (adm, mod, member), sorting field, and ascending / descending options. And we should write our own "sort categories" The category (SortBy) in and of itself is just a simple sum type like the following

data SortBy = Username | Registered | PostCount deriving (Eq, Enum, Bounded)

instance Show SortBy where
  show Username   = "Username"
  show Registered = "Registration Date"
  show PostCount  = "Post Count"

Pretty much a copy and paste from Yesod's cookbook with a minor difference in Show derivation. Nothing really interesting here, to be quite honest.

searchUserForm groups = renderDivs $
  <$> aopt textField "Username" Nothing
  <*> aopt (selectFieldList glist) "Groups" Nothing
  <*> areq (selectFieldList slist) "Sort By" Nothing
  <*> areq (selectFieldList alist) "Sort Order" Nothing
    glist =
      map (\x -> ( pack . show . groupsGrouping $ entityVal x , fromSqlKey . entityKey $ x)) groups :: [(Text, Int64)]
    -- ^ [1]
    slist = map (pack . show &&& id) [minBound .. maxBound] :: [(Text, SortBy)]
    -- ^ [2]
    alist = [("Ascending", True), ("Descending", False)] :: [(Text, Bool)]
    -- ^ [3]

Here's the same old form rendering function. The function marked by [1] is the exact same function in promotion form far above. I should remind you that number [2], again, is the carbon copy of selectFieldList example from Yesod book. Number [3]? Sadly it's pretty clear. We shows "Ascending" or "Descending" in a dropdown input.

After you put the previous function to the holed function at getUserListR, go to UserListR and you will see the rendered layout. Sure it's a waste of space compared to the original FluxBB. And unfortunately, I'm illiterate of HTML and CSS. So, please spare me your anger. ;-;

The next part, is where we actually search things. First, as usual, we should create the handler.

postUserListR :: Handler Html
postUserListR = do
  (uid, name, group) <- allowedToPost
  ad <- getGroup Administrator
  mo <- getGroup Moderator
  me <- getGroup Member
  ((res, wid), enct) <- runFormPost $ searchUserForm [ad, mo, me]
  case res of
    FormSuccess r -> do
      let (username, groupid, orderby, ascending) = (searchUserFormUsername r, toSqlKey <$> searchUserFormGroup r, searchUserFormSortBy r, searchUserFormAscending r)
      users <- _ username groupid orderby ascending -- [1]
      defaultLayout $ do
        setTitle "User List"
        $(widgetFile "user-list")
    _ -> error ""

Other than the holed function [1], there's nothing much to explain. We get the group entities, parse the form data from the request, and then "extract" their values, [1] do its part, and then show the result to the requester (is requester a word?).

Truth to be told, the function [1] itself is not really complicated. Apart from unValue a thing or two, it just runs the query. And the query, which I spent 2 hours for, is really neat, I guess.

-- src/DBOp/CRUDUser.hs
selectUsersBySearchConditions :: ( PersistUniqueRead backend , PersistQueryRead backend , BackendCompatible SqlBackend backend , MonadIO m)
  => Maybe Text -> Maybe (Key Groups) -> SortBy -> Bool
  -> ReaderT backend m [(Value Grouping, Entity Users)]
selectUsersBySearchConditions username groupid orderby ascending = do
  select $
    from $ \(user, group) -> do
      where_ (qbuilder group GroupsId groupid &&. qbuilder user UsersUsername username &&. user ^. UsersGroupId ==. group ^. GroupsId)
      --      ^ [1]
      ordering ascending user orderby
      -- ^ [2]
      return (group ^. GroupsGrouping, user)

qbuilder :: (PersistField a, Esqueleto query expr backend, PersistEntity ent) => expr (Entity ent) -> EntityField ent a -> Maybe a -> expr (Value Bool)
qbuilder _ _ Nothing           = val True
qbuilder ent accessor (Just v) = ent ^. accessor ==. val v

ordering :: Esqueleto query expr backend => Bool -> expr (Entity Users) -> SortBy -> query ()
ordering b user Username   = orderBy [(chooseAscension b) (user ^. UsersUsername)]
ordering b user Registered = orderBy [(chooseAscension b) (user ^. UsersJoinTime)]
ordering b user PostCount  = orderBy [(chooseAscension b) (user ^. UsersRepliesPosted)]
--                                    ^ [3]

chooseAscension :: (Esqueleto query expr backend, PersistField a) => Bool -> expr (Value a) -> expr OrderBy
chooseAscension True e  = asc e
chooseAscension False e = desc e

Yeah, I built a franken-query function here. As you can see, we have three custom query expressions in a single query function.

  1. Let's look at qbuilder. This function decides whether it should return the equality of an empty PersistField a in an Entity when it receives a Just a value and returns True otherwise. Why did I decide that? Because based on my quick and dirty thinking (lol), in where clause, True is the "empty value" of a query. You know, something like 1 = 1 in select * from users where 1 = 1, yeah something like that.
  2. ordering function. In FluxBB, they can query based on three different data types. UsersUsername :: Text, UsersJoinTime :: UTCTime, and UsersRepliesPosted :: Int64. I mean, we can't build a general function inside of orderBy when we have three different data type. So, instead of ordering b u o = (chooseAscension b) (u ^. accessor), which will make GHC complaint about "rigid data type" or something like that, we should build a function which directly returns query (). And here we are, we have one.
  3. Practically the same hurdle with ordering, "rigid data type", when we only write chooseAscension True = asc. So, we should make the function more "concrete" by placing an e which is an expr.

Yeah, pretty much that's it, for the query explanation.

So, let's head for UserListR, write and choose something based on the default value of the form, perhaps we will get some users which match with the criterions.

Anyway, here's the commit of this section: "user data. search."

Editing User's Information

Let's see, usually users want to change their password or email once in a while. Assuming they have the inclination to do so, obviously. There could also be times where user couldn't even login and admin should edit it for them. Yeah, I know, being an admin is a pain in the back. Oh yeah, unlike a normal user, when admin want to change user's password, he could just simply set it without putting the old password. And I retract my previous statement about admin's pain.

So, as usual, we should create the handler first, followed by form, and then Flux module.

getUserEditR userid = do
  (uid, name, group) <- allowedToActuallyEdit userid -- [1]
  user'@(Entity uid' user) <- getUserById $ toSqlKey userid -- [2]
  (wid, enct) <- _ group (usersEmail user) -- [3]
  profileLayout uid name group user' $(widgetFile "profile-info-edit")

You see, we couldn't know what to edit when we don't even know what is it, could we? So that's [2] for you. Because we don't want to be bothered by checking what kind of form we should display, we just "outsource" it to another function. Will back to it in a minute. And yeah, we are using another modified function of allowedToPost for the [1] marked function.

allowedToActuallyEdit pid = do
  (uid, name, group) <- allowedToPost
  if uid == toSqlKey pid || group == Administrator
    then return (uid, name, group)
    else permissionDenied "You're not allowed to edit user's information."

Isn't it beautiful? No actually. We just simply passing around things like checking userid of the incoming request and its group too. You see, "only admin and user who could modify their informations."

And for the holed function [3] of getUserEditR, here it is.

generateFormEdit :: Grouping -> Text -> Handler (Widget, Enctype)
generateFormEdit Administrator = generateFormPost . editByAdminForm
generateFormEdit _             = generateFormPost . editByUserForm

Where their respective forms are just simply passwordField and emailField. That function have no qualms because of the difference of the generated forms here because both of them returns (Widget, Enctype). A bit different when running generateFormPost's parsing counterpart. We wouldn't be able to do that because they return different types of things.

Anyway, we've completed GET handler here. The next step is creating POST handler.

postUserEditR userid = do
  (uid, name, group) <- allowedToActuallyEdit userid -- [1]
  user'@(Entity uid' user) <- getUserById $ toSqlKey userid -- [1]
  case group of -- [2]
    Administrator -> do
      ((res, wid), enct) <- runFormPost $ editByAdminForm (usersEmail user) -- [3]
      case res of
        FormSuccess r -> do -- [4]
          let (newpass, email) = (editByAdminFormNewPass r, editByAdminFormEmail r)
          _ uid' newpass email -- [5]
          redirect $ UserR userid - [6]
        _ -> profileLayout uid name group user' [whamlet|Please fill the input correctly|]
    _ -> do
      ((res, wid), enct) <- runFormPost $ editByUserForm (usersEmail user) -- [3]
      case res of
        FormSuccess r -> do
          let (oldpass, newpass, email) = (editByUserFormOldPass r ,editByUserFormNewPass r ,editByUserFormEmail r)
          _ uid (usersPassword user) oldpass newpass email -- [7]
          redirect $ UserR userid - [6]
        _ -> profileLayout uid name group user' [whamlet|Please fill the input correctly|]

The function above is simple. Too simple, even.

  1. Same procedures with GET handler.
  2. Dedices which form should we use to parse the form based on the group. Remember, admin could simply set a new password.
  3. Simple form parsing.
  4. Only proceed when the form is correctly formed.
  5. Simple CRUD operation. Will write it later.
  6. Redirect to user's page.
  7. Simple CRUD operation. Will write it later.

Now, let's write function [5]

updateInfoByAdmin userid Nothing email = liftHandler $ runDB $ updateUserEmail userid email -- [1]
updateInfoByAdmin userid (Just np) email =
  liftHandler $ runDB $ do
    newpassword <- liftIO $ makePassword (encodeUtf8 np) 17 -- [2]
    updateUserEmail userid email -- [1]
    updateUserPassword userid (Just $ decodeUtf8 newpassword) -- [3]

I'm not really sure whether the function above is clear or not. But I can assure you that [1] and [3] are just standard queries with nothing interesting in particular. Even [2] itself should have been talked when we look at RegisterR's snippet.

For function [7] of postUserEditR, it's pretty hectic.

selfUpdateInfoByUser userid userpass oldpass newpass email = do
  case (userpass, oldpass, newpass) of
    (Nothing, _, _) -> error "Your profile is broken. Ask admin to fix this."
    (Just _, Nothing, Nothing) -> liftHandler $ runDB $ updateUserEmail userid email
    (Just _, Nothing, Just _) -> invalidArgs ["You cannot update your password without providing your old password."]
    (Just _, Just _, Nothing) -> invalidArgs ["You cannot use an empty password."]
    (Just up, Just op, Just np) -> do
      if verifyPassword (encodeUtf8 op) (encodeUtf8 up)
        then do
          newpassword <- liftIO $ makePassword (encodeUtf8 np) 17
          liftHandler $
            runDB $ do
              updateUserEmail userid email
              updateUserPassword userid (Just $ decodeUtf8 newpassword)
        else invalidArgs ["Your password don't match with the old one."]

The function above could be refactored, I guess. But whatever, will do that next time (or never, lol). So, what we have here? Oh, yeah, pattern match for passwords. Basically simple thing.

Current situation: user data. change info.

User's Posts and Topics

Now, it feels incomplete when we can see user's information and even edit it, but we couldn't even read his activities. Don't worry, we are going to fix that. Let's assume that "activities" here is his posts and topics history, for the sake of simplicity. Now, we will see his post history first.

getUserPostsR userid = do
  (uid, name, group) <- allowedToPost
  user'@(Entity uid' user) <- getUserById $ toSqlKey userid
  posts <- getUserPosts $ toSqlKey userid
  profileLayout uid name group user' $(widgetFile "profile-info-posts")

Yeah, that simple. First, only logged in users are allowed to see this page. Then we get the user's information for the sake of profileLayout and then, we should get those posts made by the corresponding user. Simple.

For user's topic history, it doesn't differ much.

getUserTopicsR userid = do
  (uid, name, group) <- allowedToPost
  user'@(Entity uid' user) <- getUserById $ toSqlKey userid
  topics <- getUserTopics $ toSqlKey userid
  profileLayout uid name group user' $(widgetFile "profile-info-topics")

You see, it's practically the same function with getUserPostsR. The only difference here is topics doesn't only contain [Entity Topics] but also contains the name of the forum which the topic being posted at. Why did I do that? Simply because I want to show it.

And I'll break this nice and easy section with stupid correction. Whenever a user posts a reply or create a new topic, his post count didn't increment. So, I have modified createTopicByPosting and replyTopicByPosting by adding

updateUserIncrementTopic userid


updateUserIncrementPost userid

to the existing functions' bodies. Where updateUserIncrementTopic and updateUserIncrementPost themselves are just queries that increment UsersTopicsCreated and UsersRepliesPosted, respectively..

Commit: here

Finish, I guess.

That's all, folks. This article has more words than my theses. I don't think I can write any longer about it. Furthermore, I think this project can be considered as a fully functioning forum software. So, yeah, it was fun while it lasts.

Lessons Learnt

Exercises For The Readers

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